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16 answers
  1. Today, 7:49 AM


    [Accenture Greater Than symbol logo]

    Yuri Franken

    Business Architecture Senior Analyst

    Salesforce Business Group

    [Accenture Technology service mark]















IF(ISPICKVAL(test1__c, "◎"), 1, 0) +

IF(ISPICKVAL(test2__c, "◎"), 1, 0) +

IF(ISPICKVAL(test3__c, "◎"), 1, 0) +

IF(ISPICKVAL(test4__c, "◎"), 1, 0)

) >= 2,




1 answer
  1. Today, 7:46 AM

    @K K さん





    CASE(test1__c,"◎", 1 ,0) +

    CASE(test2__c,"◎", 1 ,0) +

    CASE(test3__c,"◎", 1 ,0) +

    CASE(test4__c,"◎", 1 ,0) +) >= 2,"S","")



◆ やりたいこと

Account Engagementのフォームを<iframe>埋め込みでWebサイトで利用しています。

フォームの送信前に、JavaScriptでフォームの内容をチェック(少し時間のかかる処理; 1秒想定)し、hidden項目をJavaScriptで設定してから送信したいと思っています。


◆ 現状


利用エディションは「Growth Edition」となります。


◆ 課題




当方、システム開発周りも得意なので、送信されたあとにAccount Engagement APIで処理してしまうことも考えましたが、(Webhook機能がないようなので)リアルタイム処理ができないことと、hidden項目で設定する値をフォームの完了アクションで利用したいことから躊躇しています。

1 answer
  1. Today, 7:45 AM







    前者の場合は送信ボタンの押下イベントをaddEventListener でハンドリングしてhidden項目に値を入れるような処理を入れるのが良いのではないでしょうか?




I have been using OrgCheck in a Sandbox without issues.  Starting today I am getting a LOAD API  AuraError . Are others having issues? 

2 answers
  1. Today, 7:43 AM

    The issue was raised by other customers on their preview sandboxes. The same kind of http queries were made either by customization or other application from the AppExchange causing the same error.

    Internal team at Salesforce worked hard on this and restore the permission to query these endpoints from JavaScript. Like org check is doing today.

    This was fixed for spring 25 release in the patch 2.1.

    Thank you for your patience on this.


I have a use case where I want to review how the fields are mapped for Web2Lead and update them with new values so that the records created in our SF instance have the latest values defined. 


(I am looking to update the 'Lead Source' picklist field)


Any assistance will be much appreciated. 


Thank You 



#Data Management  #Web2lead  #Lead Management

1 answer
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 7:40 AM



I am looking for some advice/suggestions. 


Looking at setting up the instance for a Member Services team. It has been suggested that I have the membership itself setup using an Opportunity, and as the membership is annual, when the Opportunity this 'won' the flow will automatically create a new Opportunity at the time for the following year.  It just feels a little clunky to me. I am interested in learning alternates to the above approach.


#CRM Configuration


When going to Flows in Setup, I get the error below.flow list view not showing.pngI can still access the flows through the Automation lightning app though.


Has anyone encountered this type of error before?



4 answers
  1. Steven Trumble (Skie) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 7:28 AM

    Are all of the flow list views showing this?

    Not something I've ever seen before sorry so not sure what else to try

2 answers
  1. Today, 7:17 AM

    Hello @Surendra Chinnadandluru,

    Every object has a limit of 15 spanning relationships (other object references). If you try to create a formula that references more than 15 objects, you'll likely receive an error message titled "You have reached the maximum number of 15 object references on [Object name]. You must remove at least 1 relationship(s) in order to save this [Workflow Rule/formula field/..]."

    The limit of 15 spanning relationships is a warning sign that the logic is getting too complex for the formula engine. It's recommended that you look for ways to reduce or remove unused Spanning Relationships 




I have a record trigger flow that converts lead to an Account. I want to redirect to that Account Record is there any way to achieve this.

I am able to use an Aura component for redirection but it is only in Screen Flows but I want in Record Trigger Flows.

@Salesforce Flow Automation 

8 answers
  1. Today, 7:10 AM

    @Dean Ambrose You are on the Lead record page when trigger is fired. You can generate a platform event from trigger and then aura will be activated which will be placed in the Lead Lightning page. The below code will generate the event, you can add record id here as well.

    Myevent__e event = new Myevent__e ();


    Here is the aura component controller:


    doInit : function(component, event, helper) {

    var channel = '/event/Myevent__e';

    const replayId = -1;

    const empApi = component.find("empApi");

    //The below refresh the page but you can replace it with redirection

    const callback = function (message) {



    // Subscribe to the channel and save the returned subscription object.

    empApi.subscribe(channel, replayId, callback).then(function(newSubscription) {


    const errorHandler = function (message) {

    console.error("Received error ", JSON.stringify(message));


    //A callback function that's called when an error response is received from the server for the handshake, connect, subscribe, and unsubscribe meta channels.





    <aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >

    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />

    <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" />

    <lightning:empApi aura:id="empApi" />






I needed to create a custom functionality for an Order and a Quote while calculating prices so I placed an apex action inside our Pricing procedure.


The pricing procedure it's working property using the "Update Prices" button on those objects. The apex action gets executed correctly and it does what I expect to do.


However, the issue comes when trying to update the pricing using a separate apex method from the backend, I'm getting this error:

Salesforce System Error: 1689260753-117020 (2128913198) (2128913198)

I tried removing all the logic on my apex action inside the PP, only leaving a System.debug but isn't working neither, but if I remove the apex action on the PP it starts working correctly...


Seems like an apex action it's not available when trying to update prices from the backend, have you experienced this issue?


Here is the code to update the prices. Maybe I'm missing something:

CommerceOrders.PricingPreferenceEnum pricingPreference = CommerceOrders.PricingPreferenceEnum.FORCE;CommerceOrders.ConfigurationInputEnum configEnum = CommerceOrders.ConfigurationInputEnum.RunAndAllowErrors;CommerceOrders.ConfigurationOptionsInput config = new CommerceOrders.ConfigurationOptionsInput();config.addDefaultConfiguration = true;config.executeConfigurationRules = true;config.validateAmendRenewCancel = true;config.validateProductCatalog = true;// Dynamically setting record type for Order or QuoteCommerceOrders.RecordResource recordResource = new CommerceOrders.RecordResource(sObjectType, 'PATCH', recordId);CommerceOrders.RecordWithReferenceRequest recordObject = new CommerceOrders.RecordWithReferenceRequest('refRecord', recordResource);List<CommerceOrders.RecordWithReferenceRequest> records = new List<CommerceOrders.RecordWithReferenceRequest>();records.add(recordObject);CommerceOrders.GraphRequest graph = new CommerceOrders.GraphRequest('myGraphId', records);CommerceOrders.PlaceOrderResult resp = CommerceOrders.PlaceOrderExecutor.execute(graph, pricingPreference, configEnum, config);

Thanks for reading!



#Salesforce Developer

3 answers