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Paul BauerPaul Bauer 

Restrict Owners from seeing records


I have a need to restrict a set of record owners (users) in a specific profile group from any records last edited on a a certain date in the past?  Pending spinoff.

Best Answer chosen by Paul Bauer
Varun PareekVarun Pareek
Paul - A record owner always sees the record since he actually "owns" that record. Not sure what exactly your requirement is, but we had sometihng similar in one of our assignments where we had to remove the visibility of records based on a certain criteria. We were using a Private sharing model and had to update the owner field to an admin user/generic user to restrict the visibility.

Not sure if that answers your question, if not you can post the actual scenario.

All Answers

sandeep sankhlasandeep sankhla
Hi Paul,

You can create a sharing rule to restrict users to see the record...
Paul BauerPaul Bauer
Will it restrict the access even if they are a record Owner?
Varun PareekVarun Pareek
Paul - A record owner always sees the record since he actually "owns" that record. Not sure what exactly your requirement is, but we had sometihng similar in one of our assignments where we had to remove the visibility of records based on a certain criteria. We were using a Private sharing model and had to update the owner field to an admin user/generic user to restrict the visibility.

Not sure if that answers your question, if not you can post the actual scenario.
This was selected as the best answer
Paul BauerPaul Bauer
That's the issue, I don't want to change the record owner, but just want to limit a set of owners (users in a profile) to records they created after a certain date.  For example, 10/1/2014.   Hopefully that makes sense. 
Varun PareekVarun Pareek
Honestly, I dont think so that this is doable considering the fact that you want to restrict the visiblity only to a certain number of records and not the entire object, else I would have suggested CRUD. The only way I can think of is changing the owner.

One thing you may want to have is create a custom onwer field to be displayed on the page layout and change the standard owner field to an admin user to restrict visibility. So that way you would end up displaying the custom owner field on the page which would store the actual "owner" but the standatd owner field would be hidden from the page and would store the admin/generic user.