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karthikeya 2karthikeya 2 

convert to pdf and excel when button click?

Can any one give the code for converting the vf page to padf and Excel when the commend button is clicked and to download also.
can any one please provide fo me i am trying very hard but i am unabl to do please help me...
sandeep sankhlasandeep sankhla
Hi Karthik,

You can use renderAs attribut of page to make it render as pdf and word...

Please refer the below link and let me know if you are able to download these as PDF and word...
P.S. If my answer helps you to solve your problem please mark it as best answer. It will help other to find best answer.

Salesforce Certified Developer 
Hi ,
chick out this link may it will help u

i am giving u only half solution but it's very good.  Next u can do.

Hope it helps u 

beco fuanbeco fuan
For converting to pdf, you can refer to A (, and for converting to Excel, you can get guide from B (http://
Hope this will be helpful.