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Janis Davis
Campaign Call Down Manager App Errors
I installed the Campaign Call Down Manager app developed by SF Labs for a customer and when I run it as a System Admin - it works fine. However when I'm logged in as another user and I run it I get the following error message. The security in this system is set so that users with sales Profiles can only see their own Leads and Contacts. So theoretically, when a sales user runs the Campaign Call Down Manager app. they should be able to view leads and contacts they own - instead I'm getting this error message. Whe I ran the standard SF Campaign Call Down report logged in as a sales Profile user it worked as it should and only showed the leads/contacts owned my that user, Any help or advice on this will be most appreciated!
Error Message
Argument 1 cannot be null
Error is in expression '{!campaignRefresh}' in page campaigncalldown: Class.CampaignCallDownController.ownerMapToSelectOption: line 195, column 1
Class.CampaignCallDownController.campaignRefresh: line 172, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
Error Message
Argument 1 cannot be null
Error is in expression '{!campaignRefresh}' in page campaigncalldown: Class.CampaignCallDownController.ownerMapToSelectOption: line 195, column 1
Class.CampaignCallDownController.campaignRefresh: line 172, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
Shashank (Salesforce Developers)
Could you please let me know if you are still facing this issue? If so, please elaborate more on your issue like replication steps and other details so that I can take a look.