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Vadm SfVadm Sf 

Importing/Integrating Microsoft project plan to Salesforce

Hello Folks,

I ve a requirement - Importing/Exporting of Microsoft Project plan to Salesforce on a Custom Object.

In detail- Have to show the data( MPP's File) on a Custom object with the same fields .Should be able to export the same data from Custom object to MPP file

Any suggestions , highly appreciated.
NagaNaga (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Vadm, Dataloader (if you're on EE or UE)

Excel Connector (if you're on PE, EE, or UE)  

There is also a Custom Object Import Wizard available in All Editions

Please let me know if this helps you

Best Regards
Naga Kiran
Vadm SfVadm Sf
HI Naga,

Thank you for your response.

I need to show a custom button on detail page with Import.Similarly for Export also.

Microsoft Project plan has limited Fields, Need to get them into Salesforce.

Any suggestions, appreciated.