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Tom SineTom Sine 

Custom Button to Update a Date Field and Trigger an Email Alert

I have a custom button that completes a date field with the current date (see below).  When this date is filled in on the record I then need an email to be sent.  I have a workflow setup for this when the date field is populated without the button, but I cannot get it to work when the button is used.  Any recommendations?

var newRecords = [];
var c = new sforce.SObject("Engineering_Request_for_Custom_Quote__c"); ="{!Engineering_Request_for_Custom_Quote__c.Id}";
c.Project_Manager_Request__c = new Date();
result = sforce.connection.update(newRecords); 

Tom Sine
Best Answer chosen by Tom Sine
Anyway its an update operation on 'Engineering_Request_for_Custom_Quote__c' object , so workflow should fire if it matches evaluation criteria .
Please check debug logs.