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Michael De FeyterMichael De Feyter 

View queue- and public group members

we get a lot of requests from users to be able to view the members of queues and public groups.
Of course we don't want to give them admin rights so we are looking for a solution where a normal user can see members of the above.

We've checked in the app exchange and with SFDC themselfs but we didn't find a solution.

Did anyone ever needed to create a similar solution? And if so, what would be the best approach?

Best Answer chosen by Michael De Feyter
Michael De FeyterMichael De Feyter

we have decided to develop an app with Visual Force to create some visibility for users.

Best regards,
Michaël De Feyter

All Answers

NagaNaga (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Michael,

General functionlity in salesforce will only allow admins to view and edit public groups.

below link shows what we can do with code

Please let me know if this helps

Best Regards
Michael De FeyterMichael De Feyter

we have decided to develop an app with Visual Force to create some visibility for users.

Best regards,
Michaël De Feyter
This was selected as the best answer