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how to get the current data and future date in visual force page pdf

Can any one help me out .How to show past,current and future year data in visual force page pdf format .Based on the query i get the data retrived for the current year (2014 )and When i add the data for the year (2015) it gets added it the year (2014) but the data should get displayed separately .Any Example,Any Suggestion .I shall appreciate your help.

This is the Table (expected output) :
ProductName         Year       Q1       Q2   Q3    Q4       Total
 BXRC-25e4000-F-04  2014       100     200   300   400       1000 
                    2015       100                            100  
 BXRC-25e4000-F-23  2014       200                 200        400
                    2015       300                            300
 Subtotal ------------         700     200   300   600       1800
But i get the o/p as:
ProductName          Year Q1   Q2  Q3 Q4  Total 
BXRC-25e4000-F-04    2014 500 200 300 400 1400 
BXRC-25e4000-F-23    2014 200 200 400 
Subtotal ------------     900 200 400 800 1800
Code :
public with sharing class QuoteContentController {
    public Map < String, Decimal > PartMap {get;set;}
    public Map < string, Decimal > Quarter1 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Quarter2 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Quarter3 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Quarter4 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Amount1 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Amount2 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Amount3 {get;set;}  
    public Map < string, Decimal > Amount4 {get;set;}  
    public Competitor__c com {get;set;}  
    public gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c opflist {get;set;}  
    public Id qId {get;set;}  
    Public string all {get;set;}  
    public integer previousyear{get;set;}
    public integer currentyear{get;set;}
    public Id productId {get;set;}
    Public QuoteContentController() {}
    Public QuoteContentController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        qId = Apexpages.currentPage().getparameters().get('Id');
        previousyear =;
        currentyear =;
   Public List<wrapperClass> disp_list {get;set;}{
        disp_list = new list < wrapperclass > ();
        //Query all the list     
        List < Quote > q = [select id, Name, QuoteNumber, Effective_Date__c, Comments__c,,
                                    Quote.Opportunity.Probability, Quote.Opportunity.AccSegment__c, 
                                    Quote.Opportunity.AccApplication__c, Quote.Opportunity.Persona__c, Quote.Opportunity.Region__c
                                    from Quote where id = : apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id')];
        Opportunity opp = [select id, Name, (select id, Quantity, product2id from OpportunityLineItems), 
                                probability, AccSegment__c 
                                from Opportunity where opportunity.Id = : q[0] LIMIT 1];
        List < gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c > opflist = [ Select id, Name,, gmod__Quantity__c, gmod__Price__c,
                                                            gmod__Month__c, gmod__date__c, gmod__Quarter__c, gmod__Amount__c, Actual_Price__c, 
                                                            gmod__Year__c, gmod__Month_Text__c, Forecast_Date__c, gmod__Product__r.Name, 
                                                   from gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c 
                                                            WHERE gmod__Product__c != null and = : 
                                                            Order BY  gmod__Product__r.Name,gmod__Year__c, gmod__Month__c asc];
        //Iterate through each list to extract the values and add it to the custom wrapper data type  

        PartMap = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Quarter1 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Quarter2 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Quarter3 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Quarter4 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Amount1 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Amount2 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Amount3 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
        Amount4 = new Map < String, Decimal > ();
       for (gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c oppforecast: opflist) {

            String prodName = oppforecast.gmod__Product__r.Name;
            String monthText = oppforecast.gmod__Month_Text__c;
            Integer year = Integer.valueof(oppforecast.gmod__Year__c);
            Integer previousyear =;
            Integer currentyear =;

            Map<String, Decimal> quarterMap;
            Map<String, Decimal> amountMap;

            if ((monthText == 'Jan' || monthText == 'Feb' || monthText == 'Mar')&&(year==previous year)){
                quarterMap = Quarter1;
                amountMap = Amount1;
            if (quarterMap.containskey(prodName)) {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, quarterMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, amountMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            } else {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            if ((monthText == 'Apr' || monthText == 'May' || monthText == 'June')&&(year==previousyear)){
                quarterMap = Quarter2;
                amountMap = Amount2;
                if (quarterMap.containskey(prodName)) {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, quarterMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, amountMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            } else {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            if ((monthText == 'Jul' || monthText == 'Aug' || monthText == 'Sept')&&(year==previousyear)){
                quarterMap = Quarter3;
                amountMap = Amount3;
                if (quarterMap.containskey(prodName)) {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, quarterMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, amountMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            } else {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            if ((monthText == 'Oct' || monthText == 'Nov' || monthText == 'Dec')&&(year==previousyear)) {
                quarterMap = Quarter4;
                amountMap = Amount4;
                 if (quarterMap.containskey(prodName)) {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, quarterMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, amountMap.get(prodName) + oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            } else {
                quarterMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c);
                amountMap.put(prodName, oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c);
            wrapperclass w = new wrapperclass();
            w.gmod_Opportunity = oppforecast.gmod__Opportunity__r.Name;
            w.gmod_Product = prodName;
            w.gmod_Quantity = oppforecast.gmod__Quantity__c;
            w.gmod_Price = oppforecast.gmod__Price__c;
            w.Name = oppforecast.Name;
            w.gmod_Quarter = oppforecast.gmod__Quarter__c;
            w.gmod_Month = oppforecast.gmod__Month__c;
            w.gmod_Amount = oppforecast.gmod__Amount__c;
            w.Actual_Price = oppforecast.Actual_Price__c;
            w.gmod_Year = oppforecast.gmod__Year__c;
            w.gmod_date = oppforecast.gmod__date__c;
            w.gmod_Month_Text = monthText;
            w.Forecast_Date = oppforecast.Forecast_Date__c;

            for (Quote qt: q) {
            System.debug('Quote Size ++ '+q.size());
             System.debug('opp forcast ++ ' +opflist.size());
                for (integer i = 0; i < opflist.size(); i++) {
                    //Instantiating the wrapper SObject     
                  /* wrapperclass w = new wrapperclass();
                    //Assigning the wrapper variables from the SObject Fields in the database.     
                    w.gmod_Opportunity = opflist[i].gmod__Opportunity__r.Name;
                    w.gmod_Product = opflist[i].gmod__Product__r.Name;
                    w.gmod_Quantity = opflist[i].gmod__Quantity__c;
                    w.gmod_Price = opflist[i].gmod__Price__c;
                    w.Name = opflist[i].Name;
                    w.gmod_Quarter = opflist[i].gmod__Quarter__c;
                    w.gmod_Month = opflist[i].gmod__Month__c;
                    w.gmod_Amount = opflist[i].gmod__Amount__c;
                    w.Actual_Price = opflist[i].Actual_Price__c;
                    w.gmod_Year = opflist[i].gmod__Year__c;
                    w.gmod_date = opflist[i].gmod__date__c;
                    w.gmod_Month_Text = opflist[i].gmod__Month_Text__c;
                    w.Forecast_Date = opflist[i].Forecast_Date__c;*/
                }//End of For loop int
            }//End of For loop Quote
        }//End of For loop gmod
  }//End of disp

    //Declare a wrapper class      
       public class Wrapperclass  {
        //custom wrapper datatype      
        Public string Name{get;set;}  
        Public string AccountType{get;set;}  
        Public date todaysDate{get;set;}  
        Public date Expected_Order_Date{get;set;}
        Public string Probability{get;set;}  
        Public string Internal_Comment{get;set;}  
        Public string External_Comment{get;set;}      
        Public string Segment{get;set;}  
        Public string Application{get;set;}  
        Public string Persona{get;set;}  
        Public string Geogrpahy{get;set;}      
        Public string PartNumbers{get;set;}  
        Public Decimal  Price{get;set;}  
        Public Decimal End_Customer_Price{get;set;}  
        Public Decimal Quantity {get;set;}  
        Public Decimal Total{get;set;}      
        Public string RFQ_justification{get;set;}  
        Public string Main_Customer_of_Account{get;set;}  
        Public string Bridgelux_competition_at_account{get;set;}
        Public string Geographic_regions_serviced{get;set;}  
        Public string Annual_lighting_revenue{get;set;}  
        Public string Annual_LED_revenue_or_percent{get;set;}  
        Public string Annual_purchases_of_LED_light_sources{get;set;}
        Public string Percent_of_LED_purchases_that_are_COB{get;set;}  
        Public string Other_information{get;set;}      
        Public string Product_Series{get;set;}  
        Public string Volume{get;set;} 
        Public string Date_Price_is_Valid{get;set;}     
        Public string gmod_Opportunity{get;set;}
        Public string gmod_Product{get;set;}
        Public Decimal gmod_Quantity{get;set;}
        Public Decimal gmod_Price{get;set;}
        Public Decimal gmod_Quarter{get;set;}
        Public Decimal gmod_Month{get;set;}
        Public Decimal gmod_Amount{get;set;}
        Public Decimal Actual_Price{get;set;}
        Public Decimal  gmod_Year{get;set;}
        Public Date gmod_date{get;set;}
        Public string gmod_Month_Text{get;set;}
        Public Date  Forecast_Date{get;set;}
  } //End of Class
Note :It displays data for the Quarters if it contains,otherwise it doesnot display any o/p for any quarter.
For Example :if Quarter1 (jan,feb,march) if any of the month has data ,it should display the  data in o/p ,otherwise in quarter2(april,may ,june) none of these month has the data ,the o/p should display as 0 but it doesnot display any data in the o/p.

I shall appeciate your help.