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Andy CorbettAndy Corbett 

Trailhead - Process Builder - Time-Based Actions Challenge

Hi Trailheaders!  Has anyone completed the Challenge for the "Automated Time-Based Actions with Workflow" section.

I am getting this reason: The 'Set Case to Escalated' Workflow field update action was not found

It states in the Challenge: NOTE: Since Workflow rules only fire on record save, normally you would implement this with a time-triggered workflow I created it as a Time-Based action.

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Has anyone completed this Challenge successfully?

I think the key is that you would "normallly" do it with that, but in this case it would be immediate.

I think the problem is that it is hard for the system to check the time dependent workflow actions triggered correctly. 
I am also having this same problem.
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
I solved the problem. 

NOTE: Since Workflow rules only fire on record save, normally you would implement this with a time-triggered workflow action

So, I removed the time-dependand action to assign the task and I created a new Immediate Workflow action of type "Task". 
Your workflow should be like below

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Field update should be like below 
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Task should be like below 
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This solved the problem and I got the challenge Complete. 

Please let us know if this will help u

Amit Chaudhary
@Amit Chaudhary 8 : your solution helped me in getting the challenge complete.
Kelli Raub 7Kelli Raub 7
I have the exact same answers as @ Amit Chaudhary (unless I made a mistake) and it is still saying it is wrong 'The 'Set Case to Escalated' Workflow field update action was not found'. Can someone please help or double check what I have done. Thanks!

User-added imageUser-added imageUser-added image
@Kelli Raub 7: If your developer org has a namespace defined, it may be the cause of this error. Create a new develpoer org, create required workflow and workflow actions in there, link it to trailhead and retry. Worked for me.