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Arvind MorwalArvind Morwal 

Source for API Limit consumption

I noticed a spike of api calls by one of the user in our Salesforce org. I wanted to understand that for the given user, can we get the source as in what app consumed these api calls under this user. So that i can know that what app on Salesforce is consuming these api and take a valid action to stop or reconfigure the source to use the api's.

Any help is appreciated!
Leslie  KismartoniLeslie Kismartoni
Hmmm... I don't know if there is a way to know what app/etc made all the queries.

Might try "Login History" (Setup-->Manage Users-->Login History) and see if there are API logins/etc... What IP's, etc.

Additionally, maybe, um, just ask the user?
Andrew Wilkinson 2Andrew Wilkinson 2
You may be able to find additional information under the reports tab. Under the "Administrative Reports" folder there is an "API Usage Last 7 Days" report. This report can tell you the user crdentials used and possibly what client they were using.