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Test Class for Trigger
Hi Experts,
below is my trigger, i need test class for my trigger.
trigger CreateChargeCodeAutomatically on MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c (after insert) {
Set<Id> projectidWherechageCodeExist= new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> prjIdSet= new Set<Id>();
for(MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c prj{
List<Charge_Code__c> chargeCodeList=[SELECT Id,Project__r.Id FROM Charge_Code__c WHERE ID IN :prjIdSet];
if(chargeCodeList.size() > 0){
for(Charge_Code__c chr :chargeCodeList){
List<Charge_Code__c> listToCreate=new List<Charge_Code__c>();
for(MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c prj :[SELECT Id FROM MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c WHERE ID IN : prjIdSet]){
for(Project_Charge_Code__c chrge : [SELECT Id,Name FROM Project_Charge_Code__c ]){
Charge_Code__c chrgg=new Charge_Code__c();
chrgg.Charge_Code__c = chrge.Id;
chrgg.Project__c = prj.Id;
insert listToCreate;
catch(DmlException de){
below is my trigger, i need test class for my trigger.
trigger CreateChargeCodeAutomatically on MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c (after insert) {
Set<Id> projectidWherechageCodeExist= new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> prjIdSet= new Set<Id>();
for(MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c prj{
List<Charge_Code__c> chargeCodeList=[SELECT Id,Project__r.Id FROM Charge_Code__c WHERE ID IN :prjIdSet];
if(chargeCodeList.size() > 0){
for(Charge_Code__c chr :chargeCodeList){
List<Charge_Code__c> listToCreate=new List<Charge_Code__c>();
for(MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c prj :[SELECT Id FROM MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c WHERE ID IN : prjIdSet]){
for(Project_Charge_Code__c chrge : [SELECT Id,Name FROM Project_Charge_Code__c ]){
Charge_Code__c chrgg=new Charge_Code__c();
chrgg.Charge_Code__c = chrge.Id;
chrgg.Project__c = prj.Id;
insert listToCreate;
catch(DmlException de){
For test data please add all mandatory field for MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c ,Project_Charge_Code__c and Charge_Code__c object.
Please Remove Name field from all object if Name is autoNumber.
All Answers
For test data please add all mandatory field for MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c ,Project_Charge_Code__c and Charge_Code__c object.
Please Remove Name field from all object if Name is autoNumber.
It showing Code Coverage 63%. Is it ok for trigger (or) we need to cover more than 75%.
As per salesforce best pratice code coverage should be more the 75% but you can deploy your code with 63% also. Because limit is 75% more over all code coverage. It look like above code will not execute in your trigger as in below line you are using "prjIdSet" set in "Charge_Code__c " object ID (in where condition ) but in "prjIdSet" you are storing "MPM4_BASE__Milestone1_Project__c" object id. I hope you can remove above code from your trigger.
[SELECT Id,Project__r.Id FROM Charge_Code__c WHERE ID IN :prjIdSet];
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