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13/13 cover in sandbox, 11/13 in prod, lines colour


As you know the tested lines are highlighted blue, untested lines red.
I get coverage of 11/13 lines.
Please see screenshot below. Two lines are red - one is a blank line with a close bracket,  the other is an else line, yet the lines after entering the else condition are blue. A few lines are not even highlighted any colour. Doesn't make sense.

I noticed this in Production. In Sandbox, I get 13/13 lines 100% . Also not sure why 13/13 lines in sandbox but 11/13 in prod. I put seeAllData=false so it is taking only data I created in the test. No validation errors because that would show. Tried in chrome Version 42.0.2311.152 m, firefox 38.0.1 and IE11.0.9600.17801, same issue.

Not a huge issue, just weird. Any advice/suggestion would be most helpful, thanks

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Does the percentage of the code coverage not show 100% in production?  I have seen this occur before and have been able to fix it by clearing all test results and rerunning all tests.  This cases things to get "unstuck" and typically causes all coverage display issues to be fixed.  However, I have also seen this not fix it.  It is one of the more annoying issues with testing on the platform.