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Raja Bipin Chandra  M BRaja Bipin Chandra M B 

How to copy value from HTML Id attribute as a default value in Apex:input field

Hello All,

I have a Visual force page,where users can input Sales Price. As per the requirement the Customer Price should be defaulted to sales price "On Key up" event synchrnously. And, there should also be an option for user to update Customer Price.

I used some java script on Key up event and tried to display using <div id=" " > tags. However, when i display it outputs in the Read-Only format.So, user cannot be able to edit it again. Can you please suggest alternatives that i should follow?

User-added image

Hi Raja, 

Can you please let me know what tag you are using in customer price columns is it apex tag or simple html. if it is apex tag it might be a permission issue. so please send code part which show this column.

Sandeep Singhal