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naveen reddy 19naveen reddy 19 

How to retrieve picklist value modified date?

 I have modified a picklist value .
I would like to retrieve that picklist value only.
Please help me in retrieving the picklist values based on modified date.

User-added image

**Any help is really appreciated.Thanks in advance.

Best Answer chosen by naveen reddy 19
Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can get this.  The MetadataAPI does not provide it and the PicklistEntry from the describe call [1] does not contain it either.


All Answers

Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can get this.  The MetadataAPI does not provide it and the PicklistEntry from the describe call [1] does not contain it either.

This was selected as the best answer
naveen reddy 19naveen reddy 19
Thanks for the response. Even I cloundn't find any possible way..:((..