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Want to track "Report Export' activity by user

Hello All,

I am using the Work bench's REST Explorer to get the details of User doing Report Export activity. The query I am using is: /services/data/v32.0/query?q=SELECT+Id+,+EventType+,+LogFile++,+LogDate+,+LogFileLength+FROM+EventLogFile+WHERE++LogDate+>+Yesterday+AND+EventType+=+'ReportExport'

I do not get any records after executing this request. I have tried this on my developer org and executed the above request after doing some Export activity on reports. I have followed the article: regarding Event monotoring. This particular user activity does not appear in Setup Audit Trial as well. Can some help if I am doing something wrong Or give some insight?

SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Vishnu, this seems like a paid feature. Are you currently running the BETA version?