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akhil V
Pdf Attachment Error
Here is the problem i have written a trigger that inserts a record along with that vf created pdf.when i execute from console the reocrd and pdf is inserting when i click on pdf content is exact but when i insert a record manually,pdf is also created but when i download the pdf file it is getting null pdf?please Help out.
b = pdf.getContent();
System.debug('blobcontent+++++++++++'+b );
b = Blob.valueof('Some random String');
n = new Attachment();
n.ParentId = id;
n.Name = 'Carrier_Confirmation.pdf';
n.Body = pdf.getContentAsPDF();
//n.Body = Blob.valueof('Some random String');
n.IsPrivate = false;
n.contentType = 'image/pdf';
insert n;
Here is the problem i have written a trigger that inserts a record along with that vf created pdf.when i execute from console the reocrd and pdf is inserting when i click on pdf content is exact but when i insert a record manually,pdf is also created but when i download the pdf file it is getting null pdf?please Help out.
b = pdf.getContent();
System.debug('blobcontent+++++++++++'+b );
b = Blob.valueof('Some random String');
n = new Attachment();
n.ParentId = id;
n.Name = 'Carrier_Confirmation.pdf';
n.Body = pdf.getContentAsPDF();
//n.Body = Blob.valueof('Some random String');
n.IsPrivate = false;
n.contentType = 'image/pdf';
insert n;
In simple, you cannot create pdf from a trigger. getContentAsPDF() cannot be used in Triggers, Schedule and batch apex..
Please refer this :
Thiyagarajan Selvaraj.
Thanks for the Reply!
How to acheive this?Here i have a more requirement in that i have 3 vf pdf doc. I need to add 3 pdf's at the time of insertion of record using trigger?
Any help will be Aprreciable!!
You can call webservice from a trigger and add the attchment creation logic in the webservice.
Refer this :
Is their any way without writing the webServices?