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How to call the wrapper parts of a wrapper class in test - Only passing 73% - Have I even formed it right?

Hi there,

I have a wrapper class and I am trying to test it. I need 100% as my other code coverage isa  bit lacking, but only have 73%. I am not sure if I have even set this out properly and I dont know how to test for the wrapper parts of my controller. E.G. FinLoanWrapper, any help would be muich appreciated.

private class FinanceNew_Test{
    static testMethod void FinanceCommissionNew() {
     PageReference pageRef = Page.DestinyFinanceNew4;
    Office__c Office = new Office__c(Name = 'Test Pro Account');
insert Office;
Account Acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Account', office__c =;
insert Acc;
Finance__c Fin = new Finance__c(Finance_Office__c =, Account__c =;
insert Fin;
List<Finance_Loan_Security__c> FLSEC = new List<Finance_Loan_Security__c>{};
for(Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        Finance_Loan_Security__c FLSE = new Finance_Loan_Security__c(Office__c =, Account__c =, No_Street__c = 'Test' + i, Finance__c =;
List<Finance_Loan_Split__c> FLSPL = new List<Finance_Loan_Split__c>{};
for(Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        Finance_Loan_Split__c FLS = new Finance_Loan_Split__c(Office__c =, Account__c =, Account_Number__c = 'Test' + i, Finance__c =;
    insert FLSPL;
    Insert FLSEC;

       //this call tests the constructor:
       FinanceNew controller = new FinanceNew();
       //test building was complete
        //call the pageReference in the class.
        System.assert(Fin.Aggregate_Borrowings__c ==0.00);


public class FinanceNew{
    public Finance__c Fin { get; set; }
    public Finance_Loan_Security__c LoanSecurity { get; set; }
    public Finance_Loan_Split__c LoanSplit { get; set; }
    //Wrapper multi add try to implement
     public List<FinLoanSplitWrapper> wrappers {get; set;}
 public static Integer toDelIdent {get; set;}
 public static Integer addCount {get; set;}
 private Integer nextIdent=0;
 //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Wrapper 2 identical - 1
       public List<FinLoanSecurityWrapper> wrappers2 {get; set;}
 public static Integer toDelIdent2 {get; set;}
 public static Integer addCount2 {get; set;}
 private Integer nextIdent2=0;
 //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Wrapper 2 identical - 1
  Id FinId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('FinId');
   public string delId {get;set;}

 public void FinLoanCalculate()
Integer NoSplits = 0;
Decimal AggBorrowing = 0.00;
  for (FinLoanSplitWrapper wrap : wrappers)
  if(wrap.FinLoanS.Loan_Amount__c == null){
  wrap.FinLoanS.Loan_Amount__c = 0.00;
  AggBorrowing = AggBorrowing + wrap.FinLoanS.Loan_Amount__c;
  NoSplits = NoSplits + 1;
  nextIdent = nextIdent + 1;
  wrap.ident = nextIdent;
  Fin.Number_of_Splits__c = NoSplits;
  Fin.Aggregate_Borrowings__c = AggBorrowing;


 public void FinSecCalculate()
Integer NoSecurities = 0;
Decimal ValTotal = 0.00;
  for (FinLoanSecurityWrapper wrap : wrappers2)
  if(wrap.FinSecS.Actual_Value__c== null){
  wrap.FinSecS.Actual_Value__c= 0.00;
  ValTotal = ValTotal  + wrap.FinSecS.Actual_Value__c;
  NoSecurities = NoSecurities + 1;
  nextIdent2 = nextIdent2 + 1;
  wrap.ident2 = nextIdent2;
  Fin.Number_of_Securities__c = NoSecurities;
   Fin.total_security_Value__c= ValTotal;


////////////////////Delete Rows
//Delete Rows 1 
public void delWrapper()
  Integer toDelPos=-1;
  boolean IsInsertedRow = False;
  for (Integer idx=0; idx<wrappers.size(); idx++)
   if (wrappers[idx].ident==toDelIdent)
    if (wrappers[idx].IsInserted==true){
    IsInsertedRow = true;
  if (-1!=toDelPos)
  if(delId != null && IsInsertedRow == True){
  Finance_Loan_Split__c[] FLS = [select id from Finance_Loan_Split__c where id =: delId ];
    if(FLS.size() > 0){
  delete FLS[0];
  delId = null;
  IsInsertedRow = false;

//Delete Rows 2
  public void delWrapper2()
  boolean IsInsertedRow = False;
  Integer toDelPos=-1;
  for (Integer idx=0; idx<wrappers2.size(); idx++)
   if (wrappers2[idx].ident2==toDelIdent2)
    if (wrappers2[idx].IsInserted==true){
    IsInsertedRow = true;
  if (-1!=toDelPos)
  if(delId != null && IsInsertedRow == True){
   Finance_Loan_Security__c[] FLSE = [select id from Finance_Loan_Security__c where id =: delId ];
         if(FLSE.size() > 0){
  delete FLSE[0];

 //////////////////////////Add Rows
 //Add Rows 1
 public void addRows()
  for (Integer idx=0; idx<addCount; idx++)
   wrappers.add(new FinLoanSplitWrapper(integer.valueof(Fin.Number_of_Splits__c), null));
//Add Rows 2
 public void addRows2()
  for (Integer idx=0; idx<addCount2; idx++)
   wrappers2.add(new FinLoanSecurityWrapper(integer.valueof(Fin.Number_of_Securities__c),null));
  //////////////////////////Add Rows

 public class FinLoanSplitWrapper
  public Finance_Loan_Split__c FinLoanS {get; private set;}
  public Integer ident {get; private set;}
  public boolean IsInserted  {get; set;}
  public FinLoanSplitWrapper(Integer inIdent , Finance_Loan_Split__c LoanSplit)
 if(LoanSplit != null){
   FinLoans = LoanSplit; 
   IsInserted = true;    
   FinLoanS=new Finance_Loan_Split__c(Loan_Split_Number__c=ident);
   IsInserted = false;
 public class FinLoanSecurityWrapper
  public Finance_Loan_Security__c FinSecS {get; private set;}
  public Integer ident2 {get; private set;}
  public boolean IsInserted  {get; set;}
  public FinLoanSecurityWrapper(Integer inIdent, Finance_Loan_Security__c LoanSecurity )
 if(LoanSecurity != null){
     FinSecS = LoanSecurity;
     IsInserted = true;  
   FinSecS=new Finance_Loan_Security__c(Loan_Security_Number__c=ident2);
   IsInserted = false;

 public FinanceNew() {
     Id FinId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('FinId');
     if(FinId != null){
     Fin = [SELECT Id, Application_End_Reason__c, Financier__c, Financier_Reference__c, Application_LVR__c ,
     Total_Security_Value__c, Loan_Information__c , Account__c , Finance_Office__c, Settlement_Due__c, Finance_Clause__c, Number_of_Securities__c,Number_of_Splits__c ,
     Aggregate_Borrowings__c, Total_New_Loans__c, Application_Completed__c ,Application_Submitted__c,Conditional_Approval__c,Valuation_Completed__c,
     Unconditional_Approval__c ,Finance_Documents_Issued__c,Finance_Documents_Executed__c ,Finance_Documents_Submitted__c ,Finance_Certified__c , Finance_Settlement__c ,
     Application_End__c,Upfront_Commission_Paid__c       FROM Finance__c
                   WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('FinId') ];
 if(wrappers == null) { 
      wrappers=new List<FinLoanSplitWrapper>();
      for(Finance_Loan_Split__c LoanSplit:[SELECT Id, Account__c ,Office__c, Loan_Split_Number__c, Loan_Amount__c ,Loan_Type__c,Payment_Type__c,
      Loan_Purpose__c,Comment__c, finance__c, Secondary_Purpose__c, Account_Number__c  FROM Finance_Loan_Split__c
                   WHERE finance__c  = :FinId order by Loan_Split_Number__c asc]){
                   nextIdent = Integer.valueof(LoanSplit.Loan_Split_Number__c);
                 wrappers.add(new FinLoanSplitWrapper(nextIdent,LoanSplit));
 if(wrappers2 == null) { 
      wrappers2=new List<FinLoanSecurityWrapper>();
      for(Finance_Loan_Security__c LoanSecurity :[SELECT Id, Account__c ,Office__c,Loan_Security_Number__c,New_Existing__c,Estimated_Value__c,No_Street__c,
      Suburb__c,State__c ,Postcode__c ,Actual_Value__c,Valuation_Date__c , Rental_Yield__c,Finance__c,Loan_Priority__c,Title_Owner__c   FROM Finance_Loan_Security__c
                   WHERE finance__c  = :FinId order by Loan_Security_Number__c asc]){
                   nextIdent2 = Integer.valueof(LoanSecurity.Loan_Security_Number__c);
                 wrappers2.add(new FinLoanSecurityWrapper(nextIdent2,LoanSecurity));
     Fin = new Finance__c (Number_of_Splits__c = 1,Number_of_Securities__c = 1,Aggregate_Borrowings__c = 0.00, Total_New_Loans__c = 0.00, Total_Security_Value__c = 0.00);
     Fin.Finance_Office__c = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('OffId');
     Fin.Account__c = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccId');
    //LoanSecurity = new Finance_Loan_Security__c ();
      wrappers=new List<FinLoanSplitWrapper>();
  for (Integer idx=0; idx<1; idx++)
   wrappers.add(new FinLoanSplitWrapper(nextIdent++, null));
      wrappers2=new List<FinLoanSecurityWrapper>();
  for (Integer idx=0; idx<1; idx++)
   wrappers2.add(new FinLoanSecurityWrapper(nextIdent2++,null));

//////////////////////////Save and Cancel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    
    public PageReference saveStandard() {
    List<Finance_Loan_Split__c> FLS =new List<Finance_Loan_Split__c>();
 Integer SetFLS = -1;
  for (FinLoanSplitWrapper wrap : wrappers)
  SetFLS = SetFLS + 1;
   wrap.FinLoanS.Loan_Split_Number__c = SetFLS;
  Fin.Number_of_Splits__c = SetFLS+1;

 List<Finance_Loan_Security__c> LoanSecurity =new List<Finance_Loan_Security__c>();
 Integer SetFLSE = -1;
  for (FinLoanSecurityWrapper wrap : wrappers2)
   SetFLSE = SetFLSE + 1;
   wrap.FinSecS.Loan_Security_Number__c = SetFLSE;
  Fin.Number_of_Securities__c= SetFLSE+1;
     try {  
      upsert Fin;
        } catch (Exception e) {     

  for (Finance_Loan_Split__c FinLoanSplit: FLS)
  If(FinLoanSplit.Finance__c == null){
    FinLoanSplit.Finance__c =;
  If(FinLoanSplit.Account__c == null){
   FinLoanSplit.Account__c = Fin.Account__c;
   If(FinLoanSplit.Office__c == null){
   FinLoanSplit.Office__c = Fin.Finance_Office__c;
    for (Finance_Loan_Security__c LoanSec: LoanSecurity)
   If(LoanSec.Finance__c == null){
    LoanSec.Finance__c =;
    If(LoanSec.Account__c == null){
   LoanSec.Account__c = Fin.Account__c;
   If(LoanSec.Office__c == null){
   LoanSec.Office__c = Fin.Finance_Office__c;
        try { 
        upsert FLS;
        upsert LoanSecurity;
        PageReference pageRef= new PageReference('/apex/DestinyAccount?id='+fin.Account__c+'&Sfdc.override=1');
        return pageRef;
        } catch (Exception e) {     
        return null;
    public PageReference Cancel() {
        PageReference pageRef= new PageReference('/apex/DestinyAccount?id='+Fin.account__c+'&Sfdc.override=1');
        return pageRef;
//////////////////////////Save and Cancel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    
//////////////////////Old Code to keep for Reference - Delete Later\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   

  /* Remove for now, as it has been made redunant. keep for reference incase soemthing goes wrong
 public PageReference save()
  List<Finance_Loan_Split__c> FLS =new List<Finance_Loan_Split__c>();
  for (FinLoanSplitWrapper wrap : wrappers)
  insert FLS;
  return new PageReference('/' + Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Finance_Loan_Split__c').getDescribe().getKeyPrefix() + '/o');

//////////////////////Old Code to keep for Reference - Delete Later\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    

Since the wrapper class is pretty standalone, you can add test methods to cover them.  Something like this should do:
private class FinanceNew_Test{
    static testMethod void FinanceCommissionNew() {
        [... existing test method ...]
    static testMethod void testFinLoanSplitWrapper() {
        Integer yourInIndent = 1;
        Finance_Loan_Split__c finLoanSplit = new Finance_Loan_Split__c();
        FinLoanSplitWrapper splitWrapper = new FinLoanSplitWrapper(yourInIndent, finLoanSplit);
    static testMethod void testFinLoanSecurityWrapper() {
        Integer yourInIndent = 1;
        Finance_Loan_Security__c finLoanSec = new Finance_Loan_Security__c();
        FinLoanSecurityWrapper secWrapper = new FinLoanSecurityWrapper(yourInIndent, finLoanSec);

Note: It is MUCH better to get business use cases covered and assert that the right outcomes happen.  Covering lines of code and not checking anything is kind of like a teacher looking over your test answers and not checking them against the answer key.

Awesome advice right there, thank you for your time.

The thing is, I would test for these business situations, except I am not sure how to phrase the testing. Example, were I to test 'FinLoanCalculate' using system assert. I could try :


        System.assertequals(Fin.Aggregate_Borrowings__c , null);

I had to set it as null, so it would pass. I gave  each one of the 10 loan splits 1 dollar and after called the void, it did not change the field. Even though, when I test it on the page (and I have tested very thoroughly) it works fine. I figure it is because I am not calling it properly.

I also attempted to save the new tests that you suggested. It gave me this error: Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: FinLoanSplitWrapper at line 62 column 48...I am not sure why.

Thank you for your time so far.