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Kondal Rao learnerKondal Rao learner 

Getting error while posting my code

HI Experts,

while posting my code in developers community, getting this error what does it mean by."The operation is not permitted. If you received this in error, please contact (code: B2)"
From what I've been able to decern, it's coming from the rate limiting that they have recently added.

I'll see if I can reach out to someone to get you a better answer
Kondal Rao learnerKondal Rao learner
for that what i need to do could you guide me please
Kondal Rao learnerKondal Rao learner
for that what i need to do could you guide me please
I don't think there is anything for you to do.  I have reached out to the contacts that I have at Salesforce and we'll have to wait to see what they say.
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
I am also getting same issue
David Holland 6David Holland 6
I just had this when I was trying to post debug logs, I just shortened and simplified the debugs and it posted correctly :)

Sameer PrasonnSameer Prasonn
Exactly Aditya, As David Said, Please shortened the debug log and post the only thing you want to emphesize on or for which you are seeking help.
David: From what I've found, it's not about the actual content (unless you happen to be a korean spammer :P) but about frequency of posts.  I've not changed anything and waited a couple of minutes and posted the same comment again and it worked.
Hi all; as pcon said this is related to a rate limiting feature we've implemented. It is designed to not only protect us from spam posts but also from users posting the same post multiple times; back to back. If you're posting a question then you only need to do so once - please do not post the same question multiple times. If you're responding to posts in rapid succession you may see this as well. We are adjusting the rate limit so hopefully you don't encounter this issue in the future. 
Nishant Dubey 7Nishant Dubey 7
Please check your Governor limits
@Nishant As myself and April have stated, this has nothing to do with Governor limits and is only a issue / feature of the developer forums.
Nice to here about Rate limit.Its nice feature to avoid spam posts and rapid successive posts.
But change the error Message so that every one understand that  error is related to Rate Limit.
Seems good. Atleast we dont need to see those messages from Korean spammer. But unfortunately I am not able to post an answer from last half an hour due to this. Hope I will soon be able to post my answer. 
Jonye KeeJonye Kee
Information on various Korean casino sites and baccarat sites
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