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naveen reddy 19naveen reddy 19 

Unable to create Lead from Outlook

I have configured Outlook for salesforce in my system.
Tried to create Lead from sidepanel from outlook. But did not see the + symbol to create.
Pls find below screenshot.

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Screenshot from Help and Training.

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Any help is really appreciated.

SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
You need to create a Outlook Publisher Layout and assign it to your profile so that you are able to see the plus sign and proceed with actions like new lead/contact formation.
Iryna DenysovaIryna Denysova
Sometimes Salesforce for Outlook doesn't set up properly during installation. Have you tried reinstalling?

If that doesn't work, you might want to try ContactMonkey's Salesforce integration. It's easy to use, install and configure. ContactMonkey allows to view and edit any Salesofrce record right from the Outlook inbox. You may download free version here:
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If you are looking for advanced email to lead conversion app which does following

1. Configure data elements for parsing using simple configuration page (instead of coding)
2. Support multiple email templates/formats
3. Set default values to lead fields (e.g. for record type, Lead source, Campaign)
4. Attach lead to a campaign
5. Process attachments
6. Simulate parsing of text to Lead (Built in simulator)
7. Extensive Error/Warning reporting

Then try Email2LeadPro AppExchange package:

More details at: