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​Please suggest me and share me a code ---very urgent

I  have requirement from client  that

I have user's list with check box  i need to send emails for selected users as salesforce ICS formate(outlook)
for suppose i have selected  3 users from contact 
 i need to send emails to these  users 
but first come first serve like 
if user 'accepts'  the mails  the contact should assign to that user 

If not  first user didn't  responsed with in 10 mins .
we need to get a reply from  outlook that user  does not respond 

It is possible for  sechuduling emails  for evry 10min  

Prosenjit Sarkar 7Prosenjit Sarkar 7
Could you please clarify this line "if user 'accepts'  the mails  the contact should assign to that user" what do you mean by accept ?

Thanks for reponding

iam creatring Calender formate 
Please find the below screenshort
here when user accepts invitation the response should get in to slaesforce then automatically  contact owner should change to  username who accepts 

User-added image
