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kishore cmxkishore cmx 

write a trigger automatically create task when iam creating case in case object?

Virendra ChouhanVirendra Chouhan
Use workflow instead of trigger with " Create Task " action 
Vijay NagarathinamVijay Nagarathinam
Hi Kishore,

You can create a task in two ways using Workflow and Apex trigger. Use the following code it will be working as you expected.
trigger autoCreateTask on Case (after insert, after update) 
List<Task> insertTask = new List<Task>();

for(Case newCase :
Task newTask = new Task();
newTask.subject = 'Automated Task';
newTask.whatId = newCase.Id;
newTask.ownerId = newCase.OwnerId;
newTask.status = 'In progress';
newTask.Priority = 'Normal';
if(insertTask.size() > 0)
insert insertTask;

NagaNaga (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Kishore,

Here is the sample code for trigger which will create a new Task when a new event is created on account/opportunity. 

trigger createnewTask on Event (after insert){ 

List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>(); 

List<Event> ev =; 

for (Event evv : ev) { 

Task tsk = new Task(Ownerid = evv.OwnerId, Subject=evv.Subject, whatid=evv.whatid);  //pass values to new task (use whoid=evv.whoid in case of contact)

tasks.add(tsk);  //add task to record

insert tasks; 

Can you try and replace "EVENT" with case?

Best Regards
Naga kiran