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sending emails automatically on schedule basis


I have requirment that i need to send emails on schedule basis

I am displying all the users on VF page  with checkbox

and  I am selecting any 3 users  and sending email
but when first email went o first user .wait for  10min .if didn't reply so send email automatically  to second selected user

Please help me out...

Amit  TrivediAmit Trivedi
Hi Krish,

Create a email service to forward email(received response) and based on response of first user email create a  scheduler and time based trigger to send email to second user after 10 min.

Amit Trivedi
Hi amit,

  Thanks for reply

But i need to stop sending emails  for next two users 
Amit  TrivediAmit Trivedi
Yes Krish,
Email will send on perticular critria otherwise it wont send

I already using inbound email from emailservices and also  status field updating based on reply mail
i need to write a scheduler on cantact 

How can i write on contact object 

Please share acod if you have

Thanks in advance