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When I click on the Route to ESA there's no Agentforce Service Agent option to plug in "CC Service Agent". 

I've checked the builder and CC Service Agent is active.  


When I try to complete the trail a message "

In the Route to ESA flow, we can't find the route work component named Route to ESA."

I'm not sure if the two are related. 


Anyone else have this issue?


#Trailhead Challenges


I would like to be able to create a Task when I import Contact information using NPSP Data Import. I am trying to create a customized advanced mapping and a new object group, following this help doc



Before I create a new Object Group, I am instructed to create 2 new NPSP Data Import Fields  

NPSP Data Import Customize Advanced Mapping Question

I created the Task Import Status field. When I tried to create the Task Imported field with a lookup relationship, Task was not available in the Related To field. 


What am I missing? 


Under NPSP Settings - Advanced Mapping - Object Groups. When I click on Create New Object Group, Task is available in the Object Name lookup. But in order to Create the Object Group, I must have a field to use for the Link to Record 


Create Object Group.png





Someone else had this problem? Challenge not yet complete in Wise Unicorn Playground

We can’t find the correct object permissions for account in the ‘Sales User’ permission set group. 



  • Assign the permission set group to the user you created in the previous unit.How do I do this? what user is it meant? when i do manage assignments and try to assigb to sales user it says that the user doesnt have a license for it? 




This was the challenge:

Configure Object, Field, and Record Access

As part of your data access configuration, you must give your sales reps access to accounts. You plan to reuse the same permission set for users who’ll need greater access to accounts, so you’ll mute certain permissions for your sales reps using a permission set group.

You also need to configure your organization-wide defaults for accounts and opportunities so users only see the records they need to.

  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Account Access
    • API Name: Account_Access
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Account Object Permissions: Read, Create, Edit, Delete, View All Records, and Modify All Records
    • Enable Account Field Permissions: Read Access and Edit Access for all fields
  • Create a permission set group and assign it to the user you created:
    • Label: Sales User
    • API Name: Sales_User
    • Include the Account Access permission set that you created
    • Create a muting permission set in the permission set group and name it Sales User Muted (API Name: Sales_User_Muted)
    • Mute Account Object Permissions: Delete, View All Records, and Modify All Records
    • Mute Account Field Permissions: Edit Access for the Annual Revenue and Customer Priority fields
    • Assign the permission set group to the user you created in the previous unit
  • Configure organization-wide defaults:
    • Account and Contract: Visible but not editable for all users.
    • Opportunity: Visible only to record owners and users higher in the role hierarchy.
  • #Trailhead Challenges
12 answers
  1. Today, 7:56 PM

    I am on this module and it tells me that I didn't set up the Object permissions but nothing shows in the "find settings" search bar when I type in "Reviews" or object  or anything listed in this module. I cannot edit or add object permissions. I am using a brand new playground and I'm not sure if other modules need to be completed on this playground as it only refers to "data Modeling" 


We have some products that are dependent on cost for us to purchase plus a markup, i.e. hotels, travel. I have attempted to use attribute based price adjustments and to create cost and markup percentage custom fields on the quote line item to no avail. Does any one have experience in RCA with cost plus pricing as this was a feature in previous CPQ.


I added the record type and show successful opportunities but cannot pass -  what is the issue? 


#Trailhead Challenges

4 answers
  1. Today, 6:52 PM

    Hello,  I dug in and figured it out.  What happened?  I think it is this.  I went straight for the final screen results.  I think you need to do ALL the steps, not just show the correct final result on the testing cycle.



Hello! I'm completing the exercise for "Build a Flex Prompt Template" and completed all the steps, but I keep getting the error "

We can’t find an experience named Sunrise Yoga with the experience type ’Fitness & Exercise" even though I can see that I've added this exercise below with the correct categorization. Am I missing something?Error with




#Trailhead Challenges


Hi - 


I've installed the Unsubscribe Link app in my sandbox. When I try to use the Unsubscribe Contact Link in an email I get this error: 

  • We don't recognize the field prefix Recipient. Associate a record that matches the prefix or update the template to remove the merge field from the body, subject, or letterhead.


6 answers
  1. Zack Terry (Fast Slow Motion) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 7:44 PM

    In the example, there is no recipient on the email - be sure to add a Contact or Lead to the "To" field on the Email 


I have seen documentation that it is supported in AWS, but nothing confirming Azure.  Has anyone successfully done this and have you implemented Oath in this scenario?  Would love to hear a success story!   

1 answer
  1. Today, 7:40 PM
    Hi @Jason Cipra


    Sorry for the inconvenience. In case you don't receive a response here, may I also suggest to contact Microsoft Support Team to get additional assistance on this.
