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Chris Shade
Trouble Catching Error
We have a custom field called Unique Email that is enforced to be unique. This field is populated by a apex trigger that runs before inserting/updating. I'm trying to use try/catch to take an alternate action if this error is experienced but the catch doesn't seem to be happening:
Here is my code:
trigger uniqueEmail on Contact (before insert, before update) {
for (Contact c : {
c.Unique_Email__c = c.Email;
catch(Exception a){
c.Unique_Email__c = NULL;
List<Contact> contactList = new list<Contact>();
contactList = [SELECT Id,Email,Remove__c
FROM Contact
WHERE email = :c.Email AND id !=
LIMIT 100];
for(Contact updateContact : contactList)
updateContact.Remove__c = FALSE;
update updateContact;
c.Unique_Email__c = NULL;
Delete c;
for(Contact cOld : trigger.old){
c.Unique_Email__c = NULL;
//insert email code
Here is my code:
trigger uniqueEmail on Contact (before insert, before update) {
for (Contact c : {
c.Unique_Email__c = c.Email;
catch(Exception a){
c.Unique_Email__c = NULL;
List<Contact> contactList = new list<Contact>();
contactList = [SELECT Id,Email,Remove__c
FROM Contact
WHERE email = :c.Email AND id !=
LIMIT 100];
for(Contact updateContact : contactList)
updateContact.Remove__c = FALSE;
update updateContact;
c.Unique_Email__c = NULL;
Delete c;
for(Contact cOld : trigger.old){
c.Unique_Email__c = NULL;
//insert email code
if you have a custom controller and you are doing save (insert /update) via your code use try catch there
All Answers
The document doesn't say it specifically, but I'm making a good guess that you aren't able to catch the error because the error is happening before your trigger code fires.
if you have a custom controller and you are doing save (insert /update) via your code use try catch there