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Forrest Muldune
Apex Trigger - Need help with Error Message
I need help with Line 28, view below
Am I writing my expression incorrectly?
I need help with Line 28, view below
Am I writing my expression incorrectly?
Assignment should not be combined with logical operators .separate in to 2 different statements .
o.Cinsumer_LOan__c = TRUE ;
o.Consumer_Loan__Hidden__c= FALSE;
Perhaps you could help me with something else. In my Trigger below, I am trying to come up with a solution when one or more loan records contains "Consumer" in the Consumer__c picklist field in Loans, it will always have Consumer_Loan__c = TRUE and Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = FALSE in the associated Opportunity. However if the Loan record(s) does not contain "Consumer" in the Consumer__c picklist field, but it contains "Ambiguous", NULL, "'Insufficient information" and "Not Reviewed" in the Consumer__c picklist field then Consumer_Loan__c = FALSE and Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = TRUE in the associated Opportunity.
The relationship is One Opportunity for many Loans.
Trigger updateDealWithLoanInfo2 on Loan__c (after insert, after update) {
if(Trigger.isAfter && ( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate )) {
map<id,id> dealMap = new map<id,id>();
set<id> consumerDeals = new set<id>();
set<id> consumerDealsYellow = new set<id>();
set<id> participatedDeals = new set<id>();
list<Loan__c> loans = new List<Loan__c>();
list<Opportunity> deals = new List<Opportunity>();
list<Opportunity> updatedDeals = new List<Opportunity>();
for(Loan__c l : {
if(l.Deal__c <> NULL) {
dealMap.put(l.Deal__c, l.Id);
loans = [Select Deal__c, Consumer__c, Participated__c from Loan__c where Deal__c in :dealMap.keySet()];
for (Loan__c l2 : loans){
if(l2.Consumer__c == 'Consumer'){
if(l2.Consumer__c == 'Ambiguous' || l2.Consumer__c == NULL || l2.Consumer__c == 'Insufficient information'|| l2.Consumer__c == 'Not reviewed'){
if(l2.Participated__c == TRUE){
deals = [Select Id, Consumer_Loan__c,Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c, Participated_Loan__c from Opportunity where Id in :dealMap.keySet()];
for (Opportunity o : deals){
o.Consumer_Loan__c = TRUE;
o.Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = FALSE;
o.Consumer_Loan__c = FALSE;
o.Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = TRUE;
o.Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = FALSE;
o.Participated_Loan__c = TRUE;
o.Participated_Loan__c = FALSE;
update updatedDeals;
Just want to checkout if it issolved .Else let me know i have the solution.
Sorry for not contacting you sooner. I modified my coding, view below. The only requirement I am trying to resolve is when record(s) from the custom Loan__c object is deleted, I want the trigger to fire as well. I tried creating coding for this requirement but I was unsuccessful. I am requesting if you could assist me on this.
Trigger updateDealWithLoanInfo2 on Loan__c (after insert, after update, before delete) {
if(Trigger.isAfter && ( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate )) {
map<id,id> dealMap = new map<id,id>();
set<id> consumerDeals = new set<id>();
set<id> consumerDealsYellow = new set<id>();
set<id> participatedDeals = new set<id>();
list<Loan__c> loans = new List<Loan__c>();
list<Opportunity> deals = new List<Opportunity>();
list<Opportunity> updatedDeals = new List<Opportunity>();
for(Loan__c l : {
if(l.Deal__c <> NULL) {
dealMap.put(l.Deal__c, l.Id);
loans = [Select Deal__c, Consumer__c, Participated__c from Loan__c where Deal__c in :dealMap.keySet()];
for (Loan__c l2 : loans){
if(l2.Consumer__c == 'Consumer'){
if(l2.Consumer__c == 'Ambiguous' || l2.Consumer__c == NULL || l2.Consumer__c == 'Insufficient information'|| l2.Consumer__c == 'Not reviewed'){
if(l2.Participated__c == TRUE){
deals = [Select Id, Consumer_Loan__c,Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c, Participated_Loan__c from Opportunity where Id in :dealMap.keySet()];
for (Opportunity o : deals){
o.Consumer_Loan__c = TRUE;
o.Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = FALSE;
o.Consumer_Loan__c = FALSE;
o.Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = TRUE;
o.Consumer_Loan_Hidden__c = FALSE;
o.Participated_Loan__c = TRUE;
o.Participated_Loan__c = FALSE;
update updatedDeals;