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Automating Processes with the Lightning Process Builder - System.AssertException: Assertion Failed

This is driving me mental!! I am on Trailhead trying to complete "Automating Processes with the Lightning Process Builder" and I am getting an error in Trailhead when i check the challenge:
"Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated."

I have checked the debug log and it comes up with Fatal Error "System.AssertException: Assertion Failed":
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However if I test the process myself it works. Somebody in another thread suggested ordering the fields as per the challange lists them but this didnt work either.

Anybody else came accross this? I have spent too long trying to fix it.
Best Answer chosen by ChrisManton
Sandeep BhanotSandeep Bhanot
Hi Chris - apologies for the issues that you're facing with this challenge. I just confirmed in my own personal DE Org that this challenge is working properly. Can you confirm that your process in Process Builder is updating the Contact mailing address fields when the Account shipping address changes? Also, the order of the fields is irrelevant to the challenge. Thanks

All Answers

Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
I hope in the validation rule challange you have created one validation rule on contact object.
MailingPostalCode != Account.ShippingPostalCode 

Please deactivate that validation rule and try again this will work.

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Please mark this as solution if this will help you.

Amit Chaudhary
I had deactivated and deleted neither would work
Sandeep BhanotSandeep Bhanot
Hi Chris - apologies for the issues that you're facing with this challenge. I just confirmed in my own personal DE Org that this challenge is working properly. Can you confirm that your process in Process Builder is updating the Contact mailing address fields when the Account shipping address changes? Also, the order of the fields is irrelevant to the challenge. Thanks
This was selected as the best answer
I created a new instance to work on this and it worked however it then clicked!! I was using the billing fields rather than the shipping fields which it says in the challenge criteria.
Dan BroussardDan Broussard
One of the Challenges has a second zip code field that also  had to be changed. Drove me nuts for awhile. There was nothing in the Challenge that indicated 2 zip code locations. 
George CookGeorge Cook
Amit Chaudhary's answer worked for me. Thank you Amit for posting!!

I was getting dozens of CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER errors, even though I was doing the challenge correctly.

There's no way someone new to the platform is going to know to go to Setup --> Customize --> Contacts --> Validation Rules to make this change so you can get the Automating Processes with the Lightning Process Builder challenge to work.

Is there a way to send the Trailhead team this feedback?
Sandeep BhanotSandeep Bhanot
Hi - the feedback has indeed been recieved by the Trailhead team :) I'm reviewing the Process Builder challenge right now and we'll probably end up adding a note to that challenge that tells users to disable the validation rule (if they've previously completed that challenge) before attempting the Process Builder challenge. 
I apologize for the fact that this isn't documented already - that's our bad. Thanks
Sandeep Bhanot
Shannon ZdanowiczShannon Zdanowicz
My challenge is working when I test it in the dev org but I am getting the same error as above.   Any ideas what is causing the issue
Vince MaldonadoVince Maldonado
I have tried all that has been suggested, with no success. Please document and provide any further recommendations on to how to complete this challenge correctly. Thanks!
Shannon Zdanowicz 3Shannon Zdanowicz 3
I feel you pain.   I had some struggle with this one as well but I was able to get through it.

Could you share some screen shots of your process?
Vince MaldonadoVince Maldonado
Hi Shannon. Here are my screenshots. Please let me know if there's anything missing.
Thanks!User-added imageUser-added image
Shannon ZdanowiczShannon Zdanowicz
In the first screen shot the Value should be True.   You are looking for Is Changed to be TRUE

In the second screen shot you need to add a Condition making the Account ID on the Contact equal to the Account ID on the Account that was changed. 

Hope that helps
Vince MaldonadoVince Maldonado
Started from scratch and then finally got it working. Thanks for your assistance Shannon! :)
Greg HoelzelGreg Hoelzel
I had the same challenges until I changed the 'value' from FALSE to TRUE.  However, the process worked properly regardless of whether the values were set to FALSE or TRUE.  Please explain.  Thanks.
Manjari ThompsonManjari Thompson
I've read this thread but I'm still getting the error message "update to an account record failed to update the mailing address of all child contact records". I have deactivate the valdiation rule. Can some one please take a look at the screen shots below and advise if you see anything wrong? Thanks.
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Shannon Zdanowicz 3Shannon Zdanowicz 3
My issue turned out to be multiple record type on the object.   I had been working on something else and did not realize it would cause a conflict when they tried to validate this scenario.     I removed the record types and then passed validation.