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Can't install managed package since '15 release, because of error during tests: "Could not access the following field: *" originating from org validation & workflow rules

Since the summer '15 i cannot install the following managed package in our environment. The package content has hardly changed compared to its previous release, meaning the breaking change seems to be in SF package install behaviour.  The organization validation & workflow rules also havent changed. Why can't the package tests access these field during its test run? Has this changed in the summer '15 release, what could be a workaround other then disabeling all validation & workflow rules which are actually not releated to the package in any way.

ShashankShashank (Salesforce Developers) 
Could you please let me know if you are still facing this issue so that I can take a look?
Admin User 476Admin User 476
I've been facing similar issue since summer '15 release. The onInstallation test classes are failing with "No such column" error. This error is thrown for all the dynamic SOQL queries that have native custom fields in the SELECT statement (I mean custom fields that are native to the installing customer org and not part of the managed package). The package installation used to be successful before the summer '15 release and no changes have been made to the package or the sandboxes that I'm using for testing. Please let me know if you have found the workaround for this.

For more details, here is the link to my issue