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Oldwen AdrianoOldwen Adriano 

Need some help with a function call : Method does not exist or incorrect signature:

Here is my code example:
global class ControllerGetNext { 

     webService static String GetNextProcess() {

           if(AllowedZone(strTimeZone) == true)
		        		foundLead = true;
		        		strLead = lstLeadToAssign[i].Id;


     public boolean AllowedZone(string myZone)
           //Some code
           return true;
This code seems pretty straight forward.  I have a class and then I created a public function within that class.  I try to consume the function within another function of my class and I get the error about incorrect signature.

Can anyone help me with this?
Best Answer chosen by Oldwen Adriano
Shrikant BagalShrikant Bagal
try following code:
global class ControllerGetNext { 

     webService static String GetNextProcess() {

           if(AllowedZone(strTimeZone) == true)
		        		foundLead = true;
		        		strLead = lstLeadToAssign[i].Id;


     public static boolean AllowedZone(string myZone)
           //Some code
           return true;

if its resolved your issue,please mark as best answer so it will help to other who will serve same problem.