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Email reference code behaves differently in different environments

Hi All,

I have faced some weird behavior as the above formula works for an instance but it doesn't work for the other(i.e. UAT and Production) because the reference code generated by the Salesforce under email section is different in both instances.

The reference code generated by Salesforce is different for each instance ? If yes, how we can make the formula i.e generic for all the org's.

For example :-
QA reference code :- [ ref:_00D18m8X._50014QYZT:ref ]
UAT reference code :- [ ref:_00D18m8X._50014lQYZT:ref ]

Thanks in anticipation.

Thanks & Best,
Prashant Saxena
SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Prashant,

This ref ID which you see on emails is a combination of the ORG ID and case ID representated in a designed behavior hardcoded in Saslesforce.Since ORG IDs and case numbers are always unique - so are these ref IDs: