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Juan Alvaro CañellasJuan Alvaro Cañellas 

Salesforce Trailhead: "Extending Reports using the AppExchange"

We're having trouble with the "Extending Reports using the AppExchange" module in Trailhead

We keep getting the same error when checking the challenge at the end of the module:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'LEAD Trend by Source' dashboard component does not have the wedges set to 'Lead Source'.

Wedges ARE set to 'Lead Source', did anybody get this error message? do you know what the solution may be? Thank you!
NagaNaga (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Juan,

Can you drag and drop pie chart from dashboard wizard to the pallette. save it and then check.

Best Regards
Naga Kiran
Juan Alvaro CañellasJuan Alvaro Cañellas
Hi Naga,

Thank you for your response! Where's the pallette that you mention? I dragged the pie chart but there is no where on the screen where to drop it ...
Kamil MihinaKamil Mihina
Hi Naga,

I am getting the same error as Juan. Below please find the dashboard status.


I think I have done all what is required by the 'Extending Reports using the AppExchange' module. Any ideas why the 'Check Challenge' does not give us the points and we cannot finish the last module of the 'Admin Trail - Beginner'? Thank you!

Nilesh R KhandgeNilesh R Khandge
I am also getting same error. Can any one help here.


I am also getting same errror. Can any one please help here.
Sergey KolianovskyiSergey Kolianovskyi

Hi everybody, it's pretty easy, just click edit button on the "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption" than click "edit attributes" on the "New LEAD Trend by Source" dashboard, check "Use chart as defined in source report" checkbox and choose type of chart as pie and wedges as lead source

Kamil MihinaKamil Mihina
Hi Sergey,

Thank you for your response!

The following steps:
1. Open "Reports" tab
2. Look up "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption" dashboard
3. Select Edit (Action column) on the "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption"
4. Click "Edit Attributes" (wrench) on the "New LEAD Trend by Source" dashboard
5. Uncheck "Use chart as defined in source report" checkbox
6. Choose type of chart as pie and wedges as lead source

Resulted in:
User-added image

And the 'Check Challenge' was happy :)

Thumbs up to Sergey!
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Thank you Kamil and Sergey!  After trying this repeatedly, following Kamil's instructions exactly and still not getting 'passing' on the challenge check, I UNinstalled the APP and reinstalled it from the AppExchange.  I started over using, again using your instructions and it finally passed!!!  Thank you.  Nearly 7pm here Friday night but I was determined to get this done before eating dinner.  
kirsten mainkirsten main
Hi there,
I ran into the same problem and also had to uninstall/reinstall the app before I could pass the challenge...thanks everyone!
Did not work for me until I fixed the Time Frame for the New LEADS Trend report's Time Frame. I set the From field to somewhere in 2012. Then I set the Wedges to Lead Source.
Sarah GraySarah Gray
I hammered away at this challenge too - It took me some time for it to work, and I wish I could say I know exactly what triggered it to finally accept the change...

1 - Uninstall and Reinstall the adoption dashboard package
2 - Delete the Adoption Dashboards altogether then create a new one. You only need to add back one component and with the same name '3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption'
3 - Add the Source from 'DB-Adoption New LEADS Trend' and check the component editor settings
4 - I also went back to the source report and tried changing the chart to a pie as well.

Hope this might save someone the same headache!

User-added image

User-added image
Enrique TrepatEnrique Trepat
Only the Sarah Gray recipe worked.
Reinstalled the app....tried again.. and passed the challenge
Ryan William SchorrRyan William Schorr
To confirm what both Sergey and Kamil said, you must use their method to complete this challenge even if you believe you've done it correctly.

There are two ways to change this chart to a pie with "Lead Source" wedges. For everyone that is failing the challenge but appears to have performed the correct steps, you've completed the challenge using the method that Trailhead is not checking. Follow the steps that Sergey and Kamil outlined above and you'll have reconfigured the chart again to the same attributes but using the method that Trailhead checks.
Vikas GoelVikas Goel
Thanks kamil for the solution.. it worked for me too
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
sandeep madhavsandeep madhav
Hi All, 
Hope this helps.

The following steps:
1. Open "Reports" tab
2. Look up "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption" dashboard
3. Select Edit (Action column) on the "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption"
4. Click "Edit Attributes" (wrench) on the "New LEAD Trend by Source" dashboard
5. Click "COmponent Data" select "Lead Source" from Wedges drop down.
6. Click "ok" and the 'Check Challenge'
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
Thomas PlattThomas Platt
Hello all! 

Just in case anybody searching here missed it (like I did, skim-reading), make sure you haven't cloned the Dashboard! And if you have created a clone, you must delete the clone for trailhead to pass you. 

Otherwise, the methods by Sergey and Karim should work. 
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
Pedro Mendes PereiraPedro Mendes Pereira
Hi everybody.

Each time I lauch the hands-on env ( the installed package disapears. When I log-in to the AppExchange env, this installs the package on a different env ( thus the "Check challange" is not working!

How to solve this?
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
Jeffrey SatterwhiteJeffrey Satterwhite
I have installed/uninstalled this app 4 times and have followed the directions to the letter. STILL CANT PASS. What is going on?
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
James Rich 4James Rich 4
I can't get this to work either. I don't even show a pie chart or anything on this. I'm so lost right now. Its very frustrating bc I have done everything suggested in this thread.
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
Chirag Shah 37Chirag Shah 37
I tried everything above, for some reason, mine does not show any data. It is all blank. And the challenge remains failed... Any suggestions? Anyone have the same issue?
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
Chirag Shah 37Chirag Shah 37
User-added image

It keeps saying the report returned no results... Frustrating to say the least.
Lenore Donaldson 9Lenore Donaldson 9
Lenore Donaldson is no longer with the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center. Please contact John Rich at or 919-681-1835. If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity, visit Thank you
I solved the problem:
- Switch to Salesforce Classic;
- Open Reports Tab;
- Delete the "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption" report;
- New report "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption", drag and drop the Pie Chart inside the column;
- save

Now it works :) so I think the problem is inside the "3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption" original report.
Richard Webb 2Richard Webb 2
OMG what a nightmare. My first install did not have pie charts. After several hours of mucking around, reading help posts etc, I deleted and then reinstalled the package. Opened in salesforce classic and within 5 min was able to edit with pie chart and select widgets.