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Elizabete FonsecaElizabete Fonseca 

Contact Support (Cases) on Salesforce Communities

Hi there!

I'm creating a community which part of is going to be available to the general public with the Public Knowledge Base and another part of will be available only for community users (customers). I would like to know:

1) Is it possible to disable "Contact Support" for guest users?
This button is available for non-logged in users and the cases created don't have any relevant info (like Contact Info); so I would like to remove this from the public view of the community and only have this available to logged in users.

2) Is it possible to customize the "Contact Support" page?
I started using one of the available Community Templates and it works fine for the most part, but this particular page for example, the form to create the case is quite simplistic and I would like to add a few more fields. I would like to know if I can do this by customizing this page?

Here is the Contact Support page:
Contact Support Page

Any help will be much appreciated!
Thanks a million.

Elizabete FonsecaElizabete Fonseca

Hi there!

I'm going to reply my own questions.

1) Is it possible to disable "Contact Support" for guest users? 
I was not able to find a very straight forward way of doing this... regardless, what I did was: removed the Call To Actio Section component from the community pages. The user will have access to creating a case on the My Profile or Contact Support option under his username (which he will only have access if he's logged in). 

2) Is it possible to customize the "Contact Support" page?
To customize the Contact Support page, here's a very useful article: (




Eric LernerEric Lerner
For #1, You can now do this via profile based page views. For the guest user profile, show a Contact Support page that lacks a case submission form (and maybe a register button).  For authenticated user profiles, show the create case form as you normally would.
Allie SonevytskyAllie Sonevytsky
Double click on the Contact Support button in Builder mode -- click the arrow pointing down (next to the X) on the component editor -- press Assign -- you can configure visibility rights based off various criteria.. custom criteria, accounts, profile, user, etc. Hope that helps!
Viju Sume 8Viju Sume 8
@Allie Sonevytsky - Hi! I assigned an audience to Contact Support Button. I gave the criteria as profile is equal to System Administrator or standard user. But I still am able to see. Can you tell me why?