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niranjan reddy 6niranjan reddy 6 

data import wizard

Data Import Wizard—this tool, accessible through the Setup menu, lets you import data in common standard objects, such as contacts, leads, accounts, opportunities, as well as data in custom objects. It can import up to 50,000 records at a time. It provides a simple interface to specify the configuration parameters, data sources, and the field mappings that map the field names in your import file with the field names in Salesforce.

can we import opportunities using data import wizard? as i cant see any option in data import wizard... but it is clearly mentioned in trailheads of admin 
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
You cannot import Opportunities with the built-in Data Import Wizard.  You can use Data Loader or the other collection of available tools to do that.
Sachin Sharma 3886Sachin Sharma 3886
Hi Niranjan,

Data import wizard has some limitation bus has some benifits as well. In some cases it does not work and we have to use the Data Loader for some cases.

1) Using Data import wizard you can not import opportunity records but using data loader it possible.
2) Using data import wizard you can only import 50000 record but using data loadeer you can import upto 10million records in one go.
3) Data loader is fast in comarison to data import wizard.
4) Data import wizard prevent loading duplicate records in some case like Lead objects records, but Data loader blindly imports the records.
5) Data import wizard does not create any log for failure records but Data loader creates a log for failde records.

Hope this helps you and clears you question.....

Select this as a best answer if you thinks.

niranjan reddy 6niranjan reddy 6
isit not  5 million records with dataloader?
You cannot import opportunities with Data Import wizard.There is a typing error in trailhead admin module.See the below link for a complete comparison of various tools to import and export the data:

Data Loader vs Import Wizard: (

Data Import Wizard FAQ (