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Binu 8Binu 8 

Static resource upload limit issue

Hi Team,

My project size is 6 MB and I am using salesforce Enterprice edition. I am getting this error when I am trying to upload my existing html project as
static resource ,"static resource cannot exceed 5MB".I think we can upload 10 MB at a time. Let me know what is the problem?
Shrikant BagalShrikant Bagal
Hello Binu,

According to the documentation :

"A single static resource can be up to 5 MB in size, and an organization can have up to 250 MB of static resources, total."

If its helps, please mark as best answer so it will help to other who will serve same problem.
Shailendra Singh ParmarShailendra Singh Parmar
Hi Binu,
Their are 2 appraches that are in my mind.
#1. split your static resource in multiple files and then upload.
#2. Instead of static resource use apprahc suggest by Matthew Lamb,
I beleive that you have already using some zip technique to reduce size.
