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keshin okawakeshin okawa 

JSremoting with PageBlockTableEnhancer Only Displays ID as Text Instead of Lookup

Hi everyone. I used PageBlockTableEnhancer to show my records from an object. The problem is I can't list more than 1k records due to limits so I searched and found that you can with JSremoting from here @ . I was able to display 1.4k records successfully but I noticed that lookup data is only shown as ID and is just considered text. Is there a workaround for it to behave the same as without using JSremoting? The lookup data shows fine with just PageBlockTableEnhancer.

User-added image

Keshin, have you tried pulling the name field of the lookup record from the soql query via a relationship query.  For instance if the related object in your example was called Platform__c the query could look like the following

SELECT Id, Name, Platform__c, Platform__r.Name FROM Object__c

Platform__c would return the 18 character Id and Platform__r.Name would return the name of the actual related lookup record.

keshin okawakeshin okawa
@Terence_Chiu..I already tried it but I get this message

Uncaught Type Error: Cannot read property "Name" of null

anyone have suggestions/ideas?
I encountered similiar issues where relationship queries did not work with visualforce remote objects. A workaround I did was to create a text formula field that would pull the field value from the related record. So instead of querying for the related object field I queried for the custom formula field that will have the Name of related record.