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Trigger on Attachment : help me bulkify
I have a requirement to check for the attachments on a Object;
If there are no attachments I have to clear some fields up on delete.
if only a single atatchment deleted and still some attachments left on the custom object - get the recent attachment values and update on the object (Parent = Account)
Please check the trigger code below:
trigger TestAttachments on Attachment (after insert,after delete) {
Map<Id,Attachment> Account_TO_Attachment = new Map<Id,Attachment>();
Map<Id,Integer> Account_TO_AttachmentCount = new Map<Id,Integer>();
List<Account> updateAccounts = new List<Account>();
List<ID> ListparentIDs = new List<ID>();
//Take all Account Attachments only
for(Attachment A :
//Check the Parent Object and take only relevant
String objectAPIName = (String) A.ParentId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();
System.debug('objectAPIName = '+ objectAPIName);
for(Account Acc : [SELECT Id,Upload_Date__c,Upload_User__c,Upload_Link__c FROM Account where Id in :Account_TO_Attachment.keyset()])
Attachment temp = Account_TO_Attachment.get(Acc.Id);
Acc.Upload_Date__c = (DateTime)temp.CreatedDate;
Acc.Upload_User__c = temp.CreatedById;
if(updateAccounts.size() > 0)
update updateAccounts;
} //End-Of-isInsert
//Delete Event
for(Attachment A : Trigger.old)
//List<Proposal__c> co = [select id, Attachment_Added__c from Proposal__c where id =: Trigger.old[0].ParentId];
List<Account> co = [select id,Upload_Date__c,Upload_User__c from Account where id in: ListparentIDs];
List<Attachment> allChildren = [Select id from Attachment where parentid = :co[0].id];
if(allChildren != null && allChildren.size() == 0)
//co[0].Attachment_Added__c = false;
update co;
} //End Of Delete
If there are no attachments I have to clear some fields up on delete.
if only a single atatchment deleted and still some attachments left on the custom object - get the recent attachment values and update on the object (Parent = Account)
Please check the trigger code below:
trigger TestAttachments on Attachment (after insert,after delete) {
Map<Id,Attachment> Account_TO_Attachment = new Map<Id,Attachment>();
Map<Id,Integer> Account_TO_AttachmentCount = new Map<Id,Integer>();
List<Account> updateAccounts = new List<Account>();
List<ID> ListparentIDs = new List<ID>();
//Take all Account Attachments only
for(Attachment A :
//Check the Parent Object and take only relevant
String objectAPIName = (String) A.ParentId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();
System.debug('objectAPIName = '+ objectAPIName);
for(Account Acc : [SELECT Id,Upload_Date__c,Upload_User__c,Upload_Link__c FROM Account where Id in :Account_TO_Attachment.keyset()])
Attachment temp = Account_TO_Attachment.get(Acc.Id);
Acc.Upload_Date__c = (DateTime)temp.CreatedDate;
Acc.Upload_User__c = temp.CreatedById;
if(updateAccounts.size() > 0)
update updateAccounts;
} //End-Of-isInsert
//Delete Event
for(Attachment A : Trigger.old)
//List<Proposal__c> co = [select id, Attachment_Added__c from Proposal__c where id =: Trigger.old[0].ParentId];
List<Account> co = [select id,Upload_Date__c,Upload_User__c from Account where id in: ListparentIDs];
List<Attachment> allChildren = [Select id from Attachment where parentid = :co[0].id];
if(allChildren != null && allChildren.size() == 0)
//co[0].Attachment_Added__c = false;
update co;
} //End Of Delete
I have written a trigger with your above reqs
Hope this might help you to solve your issue.
All Answers
What exactly your requirment is ,Do you want to update few fields like (Upload_Date__c,Upload_User__c,Upload_Link__c,.Attachment_Added__c ) in account and after deleting that you need to make all fields null .
Please confirm else post your reqirment for which we can help you .
Here is my requirement:
When any attachment is deleted for the accounts,I have to CLEAR the fields on ACCOUNT when all attachments are deleted.
If there are still any attachments exist for the account - Need to update the fields with teh most recent attachment values of those fields.
I have written a trigger with your above reqs
Hope this might help you to solve your issue.
Thanks for the response.
Since the object I am dealing with is a CUSTOM OBJECT in stead of ACCOUNT, the sub-query was not allowed to write for that FOR-Loop in the Delete event.
Below is the code I have tried - Can you help me understand whether this is going to hit any SOQL LIMIT ?
public void callAfterDeleteMethods(List<Attachment> AList)
//Local variables
set<Id> policyIDs = new set<Id>();
List<Attachment> attachList = new List<Attachment>();
Map<CUSTOM_OBJECT__c,List<Attachment>> Policy_TO_AttachmentList_Map = new Map<CUSTOM_OBJECT__c,List<Attachment>>(); //Map PUG-Object To Respective Attachment List
List<CUSTOM_OBJECT__c> pugList;
for(Attachment att : AList) //Taking All Policy IDs in Context
String objectAPIName = (String) att.ParentId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();
System.debug('FROM Delete Method - objectAPIName = '+objectAPIName);
if(policyIDs.size()>0) //if list of incoming list records to be deleted are not ZERO
pugList = [SELECT Id,Upload_Date__c,User__c FROM CUSTOM_OBJECT__c WHERE Id in: policyIDs]; //List to Hold PUG Objects
for(CUSTOM_OBJECT__c pug : pugList) //For each PUG Object get Attachments listed and Mapped
for(Attachment Att : [SELECT Id,CreatedDate,CreatedById FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId =: pug.Id ORDER BY createdDate DESC])
attachList.add(Att); //Make the list
Policy_TO_AttachmentList_Map.put(pug,attachList); //Policy-Object --> Corresponding Attachment List
for(CUSTOM_OBJECT__c pug : pugList)
if(Policy_TO_AttachmentList_Map.get(pug).size()>0) //if attachments exists for policy
Attachment temp = Policy_TO_AttachmentList_Map.get(pug).get(0);
pug.Upload_Date__c = (Datetime)temp.CreatedDate;
pug.User__c = temp.CreatedById;
pug.Upload_Date__c = null;
pug.User__c = null;
update policyUpdatelist;
firstRun = false; //To Avoid Recursive Calls in the Context
}//End-Of-Delete Method
If that is the case you can copy paste the code in the above comment and replace Custom_Object__c instead of account. It will work the same way.
Hope this helps you to solve you problem.