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Dinesh Gupta KondapalliDinesh Gupta Kondapalli 

Relationship between External object and StandardCustom object


I have accessed some tables through Lightning connect and created external objects in my DE org. But when I was trying to create a look up relation ship between external object and custom/standard object, I was not able to see all the objects in related objects dropdown, it was just showing me one object. How can i able to see all the objects in the dropdown ?? please find the images below..

This is the relationship I have selected

Here in the dropdown, it is not showing all the objects
SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
The other standard and custom objects need to have an external ID whose field values match the field values of the supplies external object.I understand Merchandise object current has a external  field which matches the one in Supplies object which is the reason it shows this one in the drop down.
Agustina GarciaAgustina Garcia
Great answer Sonam. Actually as long as you have an object with an External Id field, it will appear in the drop down list. Once you have the relationship created, if the field on your Suplier object doesn't match any value in the object you have selected, then there would not be any link. And at the moment your field has a value that matchs, you would be able to see the link. 

For instance, you create a relation from Suppliers to ObjectA, where we have myNewField that is External Id.

If Supliers field has a value 123 but there is no ObjectA record where myNewField has 123, you will not find anylink. However, if there is arecord with 123, then, by clicking on Suppliers, you would open the ObjectA record, and there you would be able to see its related list to Suppliers as well.