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Unknown property 'VfSearchController.article'

I am using chapter 3 in Salesforce Knowledge Developer Guide Version 34.0, Summer ’15 (
as a starting point to build a Knowledge search page.

> Our data category hierarchy is: Topics > Product Name > Tabs in Product

I want the top part of the page to show the typical search results and a bottom table that shows related articles according the data category "Topics". 

Has anyone tried anything like this? Have any suggestions? I am new to VF and Apex so any help would be immensely appreciated.
VF Page: 
<apex:page controller="VfSearchController" sidebar="false" title="Knowledge Search">
  vertical-align : top;   
  text-align: left;
<apex:form >
 <apex:panelGrid columns="2" >
  <apex:panelGroup >
   <apex:pageBlock >
    <apex:outputText value="Filter Your Results" />
     <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
      <apex:dataTable value="{!dataCategoryGroupInfo}" var="dataCategory" id="dataCategory">
       <apex:column width="20%">
        <apex:outputLabel for="categoryType_{!}">{!}</apex:outputLabel> 
        <br />
        <select id="categoryType_{!}" name="categoryType_{!}" onchange = "refreshSearchResult()" >
         <option value="NoFilter">No Filter</option>
         <option value="All">All</option>
         <knowledge:categoryList categoryVar="category" categoryGroup="{!}" rootCategory="All" level="-1">
         <option value="{!}">
          <apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!LPAD(' ',6*category.depth,'&nbsp;')}" />
    <apex:pageBlock >
    <apex:outputText value="Ralated Articles" />    
    <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
     <knowledge:articleList articleVar="article" articleTypes="Topics" pageSize="10" >
      <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="{!URLFOR($Action.KnowledgeArticle.View,, ['popup' = 'true'])}">{!article.title}</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:panelGroup >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Search" >
   <apex:inputText value="{!searchstring}" id="theSearchstring" maxlength="100" size="110"  onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13) {refreshSearchResult();return false;} "/> &nbsp;
   <apex:commandButton value="Go" id="submitButton" style="width:30" reRender="theSearchResults" />
  <apex:messages />
  <apex:panelGroup id="theSearchResults" >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Search Results" > 
   <apex:panelGrid width="100%">
    <table width="99%">
      <th width="33%">Title</th>
      <th width="33%">Article Type</th>
      <th width="33%">Summary</th>
    <knowledge:articleList articleVar="article"  categories="{!categoryKeyword}" Keyword="{!searchstring}" pageNumber="{!currentPageNumber}" hasMoreVar="false" pageSize="10">
    <table  width="99%">
      <td width="33%">
      <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="{!URLFOR($Action.KnowledgeArticle.View,,['popup' = 'true'])}">{!article.title}</apex:outputLink>
      <td width="33%"><apex:outputText >{!article.articleTypeLabel}</apex:outputText></td>
      <td width="33%"><apex:outputText >{!article.abstract}</apex:outputText></td>
  <apex:panelGroup id="theRelatedArticles" >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Related Topics" > 
   <apex:panelGrid width="100%">
    <table width="99%">
      <th width="33%">Title</th>
      <th width="33%">Article Type123</th>
      <th width="33%">Summary</th>
    <knowledge:categoryList categoryVar="category" categoryGroup="Topics" rootCategory="HeavyBid" level="-1">
        <option value="{!}">{!category.label}</option>
      //Start Pagination      
 <apex:panelGrid columns="2">
   <apex:commandLink action="{!previous}" value="Previous" style="{!IF(prevRequired = true,'display:block','display:none')}" reRender="theSearchResults"/> 
   <apex:commandLink action="{!next}" value="Next"  style="{!IF(nextRequired = true,'display:block','display:none')}" reRender="theSearchResults"/>  
 <apex:actionFunction action="{!refreshSearchResult}" name="refreshSearchResult" rerender="theSearchResults" >



public with sharing class VfSearchController{
    //Page Size
    private Static Final Integer PAGE_NUMBER = 10;
    //Search String used in ArticleList tag
    public String searchstring { get; set; }
    //Is new List reqd
    private boolean isRefRequired = true;
    //Exclude filter criteria for UI only
    private static final String EXCLUDE_CRITERIA_FILTER = 'All';
    //Keeps track of current page & max size of article list
    Integer currentPage = 1;
    Integer maxSize = 1;
    //Returns array of Category Groups
    public DataCategoryGroupInfo[] getDataCategoryGroupInfo() {
        return DataCategoryUtil.getInstance().getAllCategoryGroups();
    //Returns category keyword required to filter articleList.
    public String getCategoryKeyword() {
        DataCategoryGroupInfo[] categoryGroups =
        String categoryCondition = '';
        for (DataCategoryGroupInfo categoryGroup : categoryGroups) {
            String selectedCategoryName =
            if(selectedCategoryName != null && !selectedCategoryName.equals('NoFilter')) {
                if(categoryCondition=='' && selectedCategoryName != null){
                    categoryCondition=categoryCondition+categoryGroup.getName() + ':' +
                }else {
                    categoryCondition=categoryCondition + ',' +categoryGroup.getName() + ':' +
        String categoryFilter = '';
        for (DataCategoryGroupInfo categoryGroup : categoryGroups) {
            String categoryType =
            if(categoryType != null && !categoryType.equals('NoFilter')) {
                if(categoryFilter == ''){
                    categoryFilter = categoryGroup.getName() + '__c ABOVE_OR_BELOW ' + categoryType
                } else {
                    categoryFilter = categoryFilter + categoryGroup.getName() + categoryType;
        try {
            if(categoryFilter.length()>0) {
                if(searchString != null && searchString.length() >0 ) {
                    String searchquery = 'FIND \'' + searchString + '*\'IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING KnowledgeArticleVersion(Id, title, UrlName, LastPublishedDate,LastModifiedById where PublishStatus =\'online\' and Language = \'en_US\') WITH DATA CATEGORY '+categoryFilter ;
                        >searchList = search.query(searchquery);
                        articleList =
                    maxSize = articleList.size() ;
                    // maxSize = maxSize.divide(PAGE_NUMBER,2,System.RoundingMode.UP);
                } else {
                    String qryString = 'SELECT Id, title, UrlName, LastPublishedDate,LastModifiedById FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE (PublishStatus = \'online\' and Language = \'en_US\') WITH DATA CATEGORY '+categoryFilter;
                        articleList= Database.query(qryString);
                    maxSize = articleList.size() ;
                    // maxSize = maxSize.divide(PAGE_NUMBER,2,System.RoundingMode.UP);
            } else {
                String qryString = 'SELECT Id, title, UrlName, LastPublishedDate,LastModifiedById FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE (PublishStatus = \'online\' and Language = \'en_US\')';
                    articleList= Database.query(qryString);
                maxSize = articleList.size() ;
                // maxSize = maxSize.divide(PAGE_NUMBER,2,System.RoundingMode.UP);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            Apexpages.addmessages( e );
        if(categoryFilter =='') {
            // maxSize = 0;
            categoryCondition = 'Products:All' ;
        return categoryCondition;
    // Action call when the new list needs to be fetched
    public PageReference refreshSearchResult() {
        maxSize = currentPage = 1;
        return null;
    // Returns whether we need to see previous button or not
    public boolean getPrevRequired() {
        return currentPage > 1;
    // Returns whether we need to see next button or not
    public boolean getNextRequired() {
        return currentPage * PAGE_NUMBER < maxSize;
    //Returns current page number
    public Decimal getCurrentPageNumber() {
        return this.currentPage;
    //action for next click
    public PageReference next() {
        if(maxSize > this.currentPage * PAGE_NUMBER) {
            this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
        return null;
    //action for previous click
    public PageReference previous() {
        if(this.currentPage > 1)
            this.currentPage = this.currentPage - 1;
        return null;