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raju gangaraju ganga 

How can we stop the scheduled jobs in salesforce

How can we stop the scheduled jobs in salesforce?

Thanks in advance
Best Answer chosen by raju ganga
There is no programatic way to do this that I have found.  You can manually stop scheduled jobs by going to setup -> monitoring -> scheduled jobs and then deleting them from there.  You may find it helpful to add a view that seperates out jobs of type Scheduled Apex from dashboards and others

All Answers

There is no programatic way to do this that I have found.  You can manually stop scheduled jobs by going to setup -> monitoring -> scheduled jobs and then deleting them from there.  You may find it helpful to add a view that seperates out jobs of type Scheduled Apex from dashboards and others
This was selected as the best answer
raju gangaraju ganga
Thank you pcon
Glad to help.  If you don't mind, can you please mark the answer as the best answer so that this question can be removed from the unanswered queue.