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Archana Aiyer
Upload files into Onedrive from Salesforce
We are looking at using Onedrive to store very large files/documents. Is there a way using files connect, we can upload files into Onedrive from salesforce?
To upload files to a new folder in OneDrive, first create the folder, and then upload the files to it. Files that are 0 bytes in size can't be uploaded from the OneDrive website.
Please let me know if this helps
Best Regards
Naga kiran
Thank you for the details. But i am looking for a way to upload the files into onedrive from Salesforce. Do you know if there is a way of doing it or should that has to be done through API calls to onedrive?
We created a product in the App Exchange called Trove which allows users to upload documents into SharePoint from Salesforce and associate those to Accounts and Opportunities, but as of today, Trove doesn't utilize Files Connect.
For a solution which utilizes Files Connect, I envision the solution for uploading files would be custom Apex/Visualforce page. I would use the SharePoint REST API for Files ( You'll want to be sure to use the "chunked" method for uploading files which involves using BeginUpload/ContinueUpload/FinishUpload API methods of the SharePoint REST API so that you don't hit the 6MB heap size limit in Apex code. Also, you'll need to decide where to store files in SharePoint: Does the user choose the library and folder on their own or will the custom Apex code choose the library/folder for them.
Authentication into SharePoint Online is a bit of a challenge, but it is made easier by using Auth Providers and Named Credentials that are built into Salesforce. You can also code your own OAuth flow if you have custom needs.
I imagine I provided more answer than you're after right now but hopefully that was helpful. Today, I happen to be exploring Files Connect myself. I'm happy to share more details and experience if it's helpful.
I am in need of solution of this problem.I am facing problem while making authentication in sharepoint.Is there any way to get access token in salesforce from sharepoint?
How do we call sharepoint rest api from salesforce?
Please do needful.
Refer blog for direct integration with Microsoft one drive using apex.
Thank you,