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Project ManagersProject Managers 

The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current because it hasn't been set or assigned


I created a new flow with the following criteria:

ISCHANGED([Case].Status) && [Case].BA_Owner_with_lookup__c <> [Case].bl_Assigned_To_User__c && !ispickval([Case].Status,'Closed') &&NOT(ISNULL([Case].BA_Owner_with_lookup__c))
&&OR([Case].BA_Owner_with_lookup__c.Profile.Name = 'Cloud Community', [Case].BA_Owner_with_lookup__c.Profile.Name='Exlibris Partner User' )

I keep getting the following error:

"The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.BA_Owner_with_lookup__c.Profile.Name because it hasn't been set or assigned"

Any suggestions?


Project ManagersProject Managers
I continue with my research but not able to solve it yet.... does anyone have an idea how can i solved this?


Jack VolkovJack Volkov
Maybe related to this known issue that they say has since been fixed -