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Want to set lightning component tab in salesforce not in salesforce1


I want to create a tab in salesforce, if i click on that tab it has to call the lightning component which i created that component(along with component app) in developer console.

Thanks in advance.

Himanshu ParasharHimanshu Parashar
Hi Venkyy,

As per the documenation that is only available in Salesforce1

Here is the link for details (Visualforce and Lightning section)

Q: A tab with a Lightning Component only displays in the Salesforce1 UI. Can I make a Lightning Component that shows up in both the mobile and the desktop UIs?

A: Currently you can only use Lightning Components in the Salesforce1 Mobile App or a standalone app.

Hi Himanshu,

the link you provided is landing to a blank page.
One Quesiton ---
Can a Ligthtning Component Tab or Lightning Page Tab be displayed in Lightning experiance ? I know its now possible to display them in classic view but is it possible in Lightning view?

I am really confused here.

Sanjeev Bisht 
Himanshu ParasharHimanshu Parashar
Hi Sanjeev,

from below url (Visualforce and Lightning section) is url of that page and you need to check  (Visualforce and Lightning) section
