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Control Access to Fields Issue


Getting This Error "We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate" 


I already Edit access to Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate. Please Check ScreenShot for it 




#Trailhead Challenges

7 answers
  1. Today, 9:21 AM

    Hi @Ravikumar Chethi

      I created one permissions Sets  (Update Candidate Records) 


    1. Under Object Permissions, enable the Read permission.
    2. Under Field Permissions, enable the required field permissions.

    Please Check


Hi Guys,  

I currently have an issue with a component of my Service Appointment rescheduling Flow. I have created a custom Flow that can be started from an event of a user to reschedule the Event and underlying Service Appointment with their customer. The flow uses the "Select Service Appointment Time" component in a Screen which gives me a fancy table of available time slots for my selected service resource.  


So far so good. Now I do have cases where a customer tells my user that they will be 30 mins late to a 1 hour appointment. Which means I would need to reschedule a e.g. 09:00-10:00 AM Appointment to 09:30-10:30 AM. Unfortunately this time slot is not displayed for me, since it is, as far as I understand it, still blocked by the very same appointment, I am currently trying to reschedule.  


Is there anyway you might know that can fix this issue? Any help is much appreciated. 

Updating a Service Appointment via Flow and Lightning Scheduler blocks itself?




#Salesforce Field Service

3 answers
  1. Today, 9:20 AM

    @Heiko Lindner

    The Original Appointment was set for 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM and now I want to move this very appointment back by 30 Minutes to 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM.  


    Unfortunately the Lightning Scheduler Component for flow does not offer me this specific slot. I think that this is the case because the original appointment time slot does overlap with the new one.  (09:30 - 10:00)  


    I hope this clarifies it a bit.











NOT( ISCHANGED( Proposer__c ) ) , 

PRIORVALUE( lock_Proposer__c ) , 

NOT( $Profile.Name = 'システム管理者' ) 


2 answers
  1. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 9:09 AM

    Hello @真央 福田, you may try something like


    lock_Proposer__c ,

    ISCHANGED( Proposer__c ),

    NOT( $Profile.Name = "System Administrator" )




I want to create a field on the Opportunity object that automatically populates with the primary contact's email. Is this possible with a formula?

5 answers
  1. Mar 19, 2024, 2:31 AM

    Oh great, then the fact it's only a text field shouldn't matter. 


    When you create a new field, select formula, with return type 'text' and click 'Next'. 


    Make sure you're on the 'Advanced Formula' tab and click the 'Insert Field' button:


    In the pop up box you will see all the fields on the Opportunity record including the 'lookup fields', which will have an arrow next to them. 


    Scroll until you find the 'Primary Contact >' option and click it. You are then looking at all the fields on the Contact record linked via the 'Primary Contact' field on your Oppty. 


    Find and select the email field. Hit Save.


    That should then find and return the email address from the Contact record linked to each Oppty via the 'Primary Contact' field. 


    Hope that helps!

    Oh great, then the fact it's only a text field shouldn't matter. When you create a new field, select formula, with return type 'text' and click 'Next'.




Currently in my field service we have some appointments that are made before the scheduled day and are set as completed status in the service appointment, but my field service considers this appointment as an ongoing appointment and calculates the travel time and reserves the slot for the completed appointment. 


Does anyone have anything to disregard the completed appointment in the scheduling and ESO process so i can put another appointment in this slot or don't calc the travel time to other appointment?

4 answers
  1. Heiko Lindner (Privat) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 9:13 AM

    @Cristiano Bruno Teles

    thanks for the details. Means in your example, all three SAs have been scheduled on the same day, but the SA planned in the middle, has been done earlier then planned, right?  

    Would it make sense to update the scheduled date of the SA2, if it's done earlier then planned and trigger the optimizer to update the current schedule for the resource.  

    Maybe the optimizer triggers the planned times incl. travel time, if you trigger this one in just a case. I never had a use case like this. I would reschedule the appointment SA2, if this was done earlier then planned.



I create Validation Rule to stop service contract activation if lookup field is empty or blank but it gives me opposite result and not working as required, here is the syntax , If some one experience similar rule I would appreciate your advice.  



ISCHANGED( SVMXC__Active__c))  


#Salesforce Admin

1 answer
  1. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 9:12 AM

    Hello @Abdelhakim Shrief have you tried adding a rule on  new SVMXC__Active__c 

    state (fire it only when it has changed, and the new value is true) ?


    SVMXC__Active__c = TRUE

    ISCHANGED( SVMXC__Active__c ),






Is there a way to attach an existing contract to an opportunity at the time of closing the opportunity? For both the related lists of the Opportunity and Contracts related lists for the other, there is only the option of creating a new record. Ideally users would be able to add records and select an existing contract (or vice verse, an opportunity on a contract). We want there to be a master contract that can have multiple related opportunities  

Assosciating an existing Contract to an Opportunity




#Salesforce CPQ & Billing

3 answers
  1. Heiko Lindner (Privat) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 9:07 AM

    Same here, I think we need some more details about the process and current architecture. It should be possible, maybe you need a junction object to link contracts with opportunites or the other way around.


Hi guys, I'm currently trying to make Agentforce read Knowledge articles, so:


1. I've created a new agent

2. Using Standard Knowledge Data Library with All Fields

3. Created 15 knowledge articles, make them public, assigned to a data category and published.

4. I can see it on Data Cloud


but Agent is not able to consume that data, what can it be about? I'm thinking about a Data Cloud setting or permission, can someone help me?

9 answers
  1. Today, 9:02 AM

    To help others that may run into this issue as well, neither Knowledge Base or File Upload based Data Library seems to be processed by Salesforce immediately. In conversation with Salesforce support I discovered that it can take 1-2 hours for File Upload to Data Library to be processed and indexed for use by Agentforce. In my own testing Knowledge Base is not immediately processed either by Salesforce though I am not certain exactly how long it takes. Some of my Knowledge Base was not parsed by Agentforce until 15-20 minutes at least after I have published them, others seems to take even longer.


Marketplace is related to Asset (e.g., via a lookup or master-detail relationship). Related Lists 


Asset is related to Account (e.g., via a lookup field like AccountId). Related Lists 


Account has a field called Active Marketplace (Text Field) 


When a Marketplace record is created or updated, update 'Active Marketplace' on the Account with comma separated values of all marketplaces. 

Example : Active Marketplace = Marketplace 1,  Marketplace 2, demoMarketplace, ... 


#Salesforce Developer  #Trailhead Challenges  #Flow  #Sales Cloud

1 answer
  1. Today, 8:55 AM

    Hi @Aditya Kiran Mishra



    You can update the

    Active Marketplace field with a comma-separated list of related Marketplace names using the following Apex snippet:

    apexCopyEditString activeMarketplace = String.join(marketplaceNamesList, ', ');

    This will ensure all related Marketplace

    names are combined into a single string with commas separating them. 


    Sample code logic is below. 


    Fetch all Marketplaces related to the Accounts


    for (Marketplace__c mp : [SELECT Id, Name, Asset__c FROM Marketplace__c WHERE Asset__c IN :assetToAccountMap.keySet()]) { 

            Id accountId = assetToAccountMap.get(mp.Asset__c); 

            if (!accountToMarketplaceNames.containsKey(accountId)) { 

                accountToMarketplaceNames.put(accountId, new List<String>()); 






    Update Active Marketplace field on Accounts


    for (Id accId : accountToMarketplaceNames.keySet()) { 

            Account acc = new Account(Id = accId); 

            acc.Active_Marketplace__c = String.join(accountToMarketplaceNames.get(accId), ', '); 




        if (!accountsToUpdate.isEmpty()) { 

            update accountsToUpdate; 




    A. Gobinath


I have a dashboard with filters and we have run out of values to add to the filter, Is there a better way on a report maybe to have ids grouped to certain values and we can filter on those? 


#Formulas  #Trailhead  #Sales Cloud  #Reports & Dashboards  #CRM Configuration

4 answers
  1. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    Today, 8:54 AM

    Hello @Catriona Cassidy you have around 20 possible values per bucket (see the considerations here :

    An ID is not a good field to group by / to bucket. You should use relationships to maybe leverage a field from a parent / the lookup'ed record, to avoid an ID grouping. A formula field could be a possible way to operate that way. 

    How to add a bucket column :


