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Schedule Read CSV file from FTP and update records in salesforce

I want to read a csv file from SFTP server and using that i need to update records or mark checkbox field true in Salesforce. This needs to be scheduled to run everyday. Can you please suggest a better approach for this? Don't want to use informatica cloud/ Jitterbit Data Loader.

Few method i thinked use Command line data loader inside FTP server to push the data into salesforce how i don't know ?


Nitesh - Take a look into the Dataloadercliq tool which helps you to schedule export or import records easily with simple click. The link also contains the demo video to walkthorugh with the setup by step procedures
Willy DinahWilly Dinah
I suppose you can use Skyvia ( integrate Salesforce with the CSV file stored in FTP. All you need is to set up connections to your Salesforce and FTP, map the necessary SF fields to CSV files, and specify the scheduling time.

Moreover, it`s completely free up to +100k CSV import/export to SFTP or any kind of storages available
Michael TomarMichael Tomar
As a cheaper alternative to Jitterbit and Informatica, I'd like to mention Skyvia. It provides a powerful functionality and simple UI for scheduling Salesforce data export to SFTP (