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List views showing records for which calls are made to other users
In our Account is private , So the list views in accounts should show only the users own records for which he/she is the owner of the record. But it is also showing other records for which he/she is not the owner, but an activity is assigned to the user. (A call is logged using Log a call function and assigned to this user earlier) because of which this user is able to see that records too for which he/she is not the owner.
How to hide this record for which he/she is not the owner of the record.?
How to hide this record for which he/she is not the owner of the record.?
If any contact is associated with that account for which the contact owner is another user, then that user can be able to see this account in his list view, even though he is not the owner of the record.
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Whether he/she is able to view the detail page or the accounts are just appeaing the recently viewed list.
Because, if a user had access to a particular account and they recently accessed the record, and now the user does not have access. Still the account will show up in the recently viewen accounts but the user wont be able to access them. If they click on the account name they will get insufficient previleges error. This is expected behavior.
The account wont be accessible to user just because a call is logged and assigned to user.
Hope this clarifies
If any contact is associated with that account for which the contact owner is another user, then that user can be able to see this account in his list view, even though he is not the owner of the record.