Are you looking for example on custom apex webservice ? Here is the sample code for the webservice. The following sample illustrates a simple web service. The service accepts the name of a queue as a string, and returns a collection of Cases that are currently assigned to that queue. This is done by defining a "global" class and a "webService" method.
global class CasesWebService {
webService static Case[] getCasesForQueue(String queueName) {
QueueSobject q = [SELECT Id FROM QueueSobject WHERE Queue.Name = :queueName];
Case[] cases = [SELECT Id, Subject, Reason, Status FROM Case WHERE OwnerId = :q.Id];
return cases;
Are you looking for example on custom apex webservice ? Here is the sample code for the webservice.
The following sample illustrates a simple web service. The service accepts the name of a queue as a string, and returns a collection of Cases that are currently assigned to that queue. This is done by defining a "global" class and a "webService" method.
How to write the above scenario using visualforce page?