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Synthia B.Synthia B. 

Create a report from Visualforce Page

I have a Visualforce page ( Missing Field Report) that captures fields that do not contain data on all opportunities. I would like to create a report showing what fields are missing data as well as the corresponding opportunity. 

Can I create a report from a Visualforce page? 
Best Answer chosen by Synthia B.
Rajendra RathoreRajendra Rathore
Hi Synthia,

You can't create a report from Visualforce page.
But you can use Visualforce page to create dashboard component.

See here :


All Answers

Rajendra RathoreRajendra Rathore
Hi Synthia,

You can't create a report from Visualforce page.
But you can use Visualforce page to create dashboard component.

See here :

This was selected as the best answer
Synthia B.Synthia B.
Thank you Rahendra