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rachel watsonrachel watson 


license limits

I have made all other users inactive for an activity in Trailhead thinking that would free up Salesforce licenses.  I have since switched all users for free licenses with the expection of 3:  System Administrator, Marketing Coordinator and Account Manager.  (This is for 'controlling access to fields' in Trailhead under the basic developer track.)  I keep getting that I have maxed license limits.  How do I resolve this? 
Hi Rachel,

Please go to below path and check the "User License" and "Feature License" sections.
Setup > Company Profile > Company Information

I think the issue might because of Feature License. For example, a user with "Salesforce CRM Content User" license will still be counted for feature license count although the user is inactive in system. If that is the case, go to user detail page and uncheck the respective feature license.

If there are any other scenarios, you could still find the solution by examining the company information page.

Bharathimohan Ramaurthy
Salesforce For All (
rachel watsonrachel watson
company licensesThis is my view of the copany licenses.  I still do not know what is wrong, beacuse it looks like I have plenty of licenses available. Since I am new to the licensures of Salesforce, am I looking at this correctly? If so, what could be causing my licensing issue and how should I fix it? 

I didnt see the Feature License section in your screenshot. However, i feel it is right time to open a case (by clicking Help & Training link on top right side in sfdc) with salesforce and work with them to resolve it.

Bharathimohan Ramaurthy
Salesforce For All (