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Gaurav Agnihotri
Test Class for wrapper. Error : Constructor not defined
I am unable to create a test class for wrapper.
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper();
global class ProductWrapper { public Boolean isSelected {get;set;} public PricebookEntry PBE{get;set;} //creating a constructor public ProductWrapper(PricebookEntry PBE,Boolean isSelected) { this.PBE= PBE; this.isSelected= isSelected; } }Test class:
@istest public class TestProductWrapper { static testMethod void productWrapper1() { /********************* //insert Quote Line Item *********************/ Product2 prod = new Product2( Name = 'ENGEH16-2P', ProductCode = 'ENGEH16-2P', Item__c = 'ENGEH16-2P', Discount_Code__c='A', isActive = true, Dealer_Price__c=100 ); insert prod; system.debug('Product2 Id='; /************************ * Get standard pricebook * ************************/ Id priceBookId2 = Test.getStandardPricebookId(); /****************************** //create price book entry ***************************/ PricebookEntry PBE= new PricebookEntry(); //PBE.Name='ENGEH16-2P'; //PBE.Pricebook2Id=pb.Id; PBE.Pricebook2Id=priceBookId2;; PBE.UnitPrice=100; PBE.UseStandardPrice=false; PBE.isActive = true; Insert PBE; boolean isSelected =True; /******************************* * Creating a constructor * *****************************/ ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper(); TestPW.ProductWrapper(PBE, isSelected); } }I am getting an error message on second last line
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper();
Constructor not defined: [ProductWrapper].<Constructor>()Any suggestions?
NOTE :- You are using parametrize construtor.
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper();
TestPW.ProductWrapper(PBE, isSelected);
You need to call like below code
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper(PBE, isSelected);
Please let us know if this will help you
Amit Chaudhary
All Answers
Try this line instead by removing line 39 and 40.
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper(PBE,isSelected);
Reason is in line # 5, the constructor was declared with arguments. Hence this fix should work for you or you need modify the constructor in apex class itself without arguments
Bharathimohan Ramaurthy
Salesforce For All (
NOTE :- You are using parametrize construtor.
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper();
TestPW.ProductWrapper(PBE, isSelected);
You need to call like below code
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper(PBE, isSelected);
Please let us know if this will help you
Amit Chaudhary
The test script seems to work. I also learned something new. Thanks again for explaining it to me.
Best Regards,