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BN ManjunathBN Manjunath 

Comparison of picklist with multi picklist.

I need to compare the multi picklist value with picklist value in a validation rule. How to achieve this.

Thanks in advance

Such code cannot work as the INCLUDES function is expecting a text literal value, and not a text value
INCLUDES( MyMultiPicklist__c ,TEXT( MyPickList__c))

I would suggest placing the literal value in the right member
INCLUDES( MyMultiPicklist__c ,'Value1') && TEXT( MyPickList__c)=='Value1'
If you need to manage this for more values, it will become 
(INCLUDES( MyMultiPicklist__c ,'Value1') && TEXT( MyPickList__c)=='Value1')
|| (INCLUDES( MyMultiPicklist__c ,'Value2') && TEXT( MyPickList__c)=='Value2')