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Ahilya SrivastavaAhilya Srivastava 

How to render as pdf when loading the existing website into the VF page

I have used the following cod to render as PDF, but website is not render when using the render as PDF/ but if I remove the PDF, the webpage is loading.

Code: <apex:page render="pdf"> // external webstie link (ex: </apex:page>

Best Answer chosen by Ahilya Srivastava
Prabhat Kumar12Prabhat Kumar12
Please refer following link.

We cant render as pdf. we can render only when using the third party tool.


All Answers

Prabhat Kumar12Prabhat Kumar12
Please refer following link.

We cant render as pdf. we can render only when using the third party tool.

This was selected as the best answer
Ahilya SrivastavaAhilya Srivastava
Thanks for the info.